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Zeile 188: Zeile 188:  
Nach der Abreise von Krivit reagierte Erfinder Andrea Rossi sehr gereizt und ofensichtlich verärgert auf den von ihm eingeladenen Besucher. Demnach habe der Besucher "nichts verstanden" und habe einen "lächerlichen" Report geschrieben. Ausserdem warf er ihm vor "von jemanden geschickt" zu sein, der seine Erfolge kleinreden wolle. Des weiteren habe er den beratenden Physiker Levi "erpresst" und dieser habe einen Rechtsanwalt eingeschaltet:
Nach der Abreise von Krivit reagierte Erfinder Andrea Rossi sehr gereizt und ofensichtlich verärgert auf den von ihm eingeladenen Besucher. Demnach habe der Besucher "nichts verstanden" und habe einen "lächerlichen" Report geschrieben. Ausserdem warf er ihm vor "von jemanden geschickt" zu sein, der seine Erfolge kleinreden wolle. Des weiteren habe er den beratenden Physiker Levi "erpresst" und dieser habe einen Rechtsanwalt eingeschaltet:
:''..Probably this journalist has been sent by someone that wants to dwarf our work. He also tried to blackmail prof. Levi, and Levi already has given to his attorney due. information..''<ref>Dear Craig:<br>Mr Krivit has understood nothing of what he saw, from what I have read in his ridiculous report… This guy has seen for half an hour an E-Cat in the factory where we make many tests, made some questions to Prof. Levi, Prof. Focardi and me. Evidently has understood nothing, perhaps for the short time we gave him, also because we have to work. Prof. Levi has explained very well to him how the measures have been made and the importance of the issue. He has explained very well that the percentage of uncondensed water in the steam has been measured in weight (in volume is impossible, for various reasons), and he also got confirmation of this from a specialist from whom he has taken indipendent counsel. Nevertheless, he has understood nothing, or wanted not to understand, for reasons he better knows. Our tests have been performed by Physics Professors, who know how to make measures , and I am measuring the performance every day on 300 reactors.<br>In any case we will start our 1 MW plant in october and we will see how it works. Of course I assure his considerations are invalid, but I want to say more: our products on the market will confirm this. Probably this journalist has been sent by someone that wants to dwarf our work. He also tried to blackmail prof. Levi, and Levi already has given to his attorney due. information .<br>Warm Regards,<br>A.R.<br>17 giugno 2011 11:48</ref>
:''..Probably this journalist has been sent by someone that wants to dwarf our work. He also tried to blackmail prof. Levi, and Levi already has given to his attorney due. information..''<ref>Dear Craig:<br>Mr Krivit has understood nothing of what he saw, from what I have read in his ridiculous report… This guy has seen for half an hour an E-Cat in the factory where we make many tests, made some questions to Prof. Levi, Prof. Focardi and me. Evidently has understood nothing, perhaps for the short time we gave him, also because we have to work. Prof. Levi has explained very well to him how the measures have been made and the importance of the issue. He has explained very well that the percentage of uncondensed water in the steam has been measured in weight (in volume is impossible, for various reasons), and he also got confirmation of this from a specialist from whom he has taken indipendent counsel. Nevertheless, he has understood nothing, or wanted not to understand, for reasons he better knows. Our tests have been performed by Physics Professors, who know how to make measures , and I am measuring the performance every day on 300 reactors.<br>In any case we will start our 1 MW plant in october and we will see how it works. Of course I assure his considerations are invalid, but I want to say more: our products on the market will confirm this. Probably this journalist has been sent by someone that wants to dwarf our work. He also tried to blackmail prof. Levi, and Levi already has given to his attorney due. information .<br>Warm Regards,<br>A.R.<br>17 giugno 2011 11:48</ref>
Physiker Levi reagierte mit einem offenen Brief an Krivit, in dem er diesem vorwarf eigene Ausführungen nicht verstanden zu haben. Auch habe Krivit nicht verstanden, dass der Wassergehalt im Dampf als ein Verhältnis der beteiligten Massen gemessen sei.<ref>Dear Mr. Krivit,<br>I have carefully read your preliminary report on your trip to Bologna. Your report clearly demonstrates that you have not understood anything of what you have seen and what we have explained you.<br>First of all, the story about the steam. As the signature in my email states, I got a PhD in Physics several years ago. This implies I have totally understood the difference between residual water in steam as a fraction of mass or volume.<br>As I have unsuccessfully tried to explain:<br>1) The plots you were showing are well known and can be found in any textbook of physical chemistry. They show measurements of the steam fraction in VOLUME percentage.<br>2) As I have told you many times, Dr. Galantini, the expert chemist that was in charge, performed measurements in MASS percentage.<br>As Professor Zanchini told you the same day we met, one of the crucial bits of information you omitted from your preliminary report is that a fraction of water in the steam, measured by MASS as we have done, would reduce the amount of measured energy in a linear way.<br>Therefore, our calculations and our analysis are correct.<br>Given that you omitted portions of information you had, insulted me (and my University) trying to say that I'm not knowledgeable enough in my area, tried (just tried) to scare me and put me under psychological pressure in order to obtain so far undisclosed data, I will not send you further information.<br>Regards,<br>Dr. G.Levi</ref>

