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Since the invention of New Germanic Medicine by the german former physician Ryke Geerd Hamer, a large number of victims of his particular method are documented in trial documents, newspaper articles and have been reported by former patients and their relatives and also by former associates and nurses working in his practices or clinics. The total number of victims of this method in and outside Germany exceeds 140 (148 according to the Aribert Deckers - List at the beginning of 2008). Alone 11 patients died in Italy. And no documentated case of a succesfull cancer treatment according to the principles of new medicine has been documented so far. Modern scientific medicine reports about 50% to 65% survival for all cancer cases in industrialized countries in many different published scientific articles around the world [1][2][3] [4][5][6]

The german magazine Der Spiegel published a report made by two journalists who could identify fifty former Hamer - patients in 1995, after the closing of his private clinic Rosenhof in Bad Krozingen (Germany)[7]. The same year 1995, only seven patients out of the fifty were found alive after the cancer treatment according to the new medicine.

In Italy, an oncologist (name T. from Rimini [8]) reports that new-medicine experiments were made on three cancer patients and that no one survived. The italian NGM-association ALBA would know details about these experiments, he said in an internal forum of italian Hamer-followers. In the area of Padova (Italy) an italian new-medicine physician, Paolo Rossaro, has been charged because of the death of several cancer patients.

Some of the most notable and best referenced cases are shown here as examples.

Olivia Pilhar (Austria 1995)

Olivia Pilhar as foto model in 2008
Olivia Pilhar in 1995
Olivia Pilhar 2001 after her treatment (from a poster of Hamer-supporters)

The austrian girl Olivia was six years old when she started to suffer from a life-threathening Wilms' tumor (nefroblastoma). The parents of Olivia went first to a female physician in Vienna (apparently Elisabeth Rozkydal). She made the contact to Rkye Geerd Hamer who was already barred at that time and could not treat patients legally. The parents decided to treat their child according to Hamer's new medicine and at the same time they withheld any conventional medical therapy from their child. Hamer first diagnostized flatulences and tried to help Olivia by a sort of massage of her belly [9]. Then he asserted that she could recover without any particular therapy. His diagnosis was at the end: starvation - conflict because the grandmother of Olivia made too many Schnitzel to eat and a refugee - conflict because the family had moved home earlier [10][11]. Hamer also diagnozed an alleged liver-tumor and he thought that a traumatic event short time ago was the real cause of her alleged liver-cancer. This is simply impossible and nonsense because a tumor needs years to build up, in children at least two years. Later Hamer diagnozed even brain-metastases and said that a chemotherapy would be fatal in 95% of all cases, creating much fear in the family. The Austrian authorities finally had to remove their rights of care and control, and the parents fled from Austria first to Munich and later to Malaga (Spain, Hotel Las Vegas next to the home of Hamer in Alhaurin el Grande) with the child, beeing helped by four members of a religious sect (Fiat Lux). Hamer unsuccessfully treated the child using his new medicine and the tumor continued to grow. When Olivia left Austria, her tumor had a volume of 250 ml and grew up to 4,2 liters (size of a football) and she suffered much as the tumor exerted growing pressure on her tiny lungs so that she had to breath at a high frequency. Olivia and her parents were finally detected in Spain by the german press (Spiegel) and Hamer used this in a shameless way as an opportunity to make publicity for himself and his method. He asked the child to come to the beach for some pictures. After negotiations including the intervention of the Austrian president, the parents were persuaded to return to Austria after intervention of spanish police. The child was finally given emergency medical treatment in Vienna after a court order against the parents' wishes and is still alive today. The parents sold pictures of her child to the austrian press and sold the rights for a film for an amount of 500000 austrian Schillings. Her parents both received an eight-month suspended jail sentence in Austria in 1996 and 1997. The parents still support Hamer's method and have their own web site which explains the matter from their perspective. Austrian authorities could not accuse Hamer, because he left Austria to hide in Spain, but started investigations in 40 cases of former Hamer-patients who died in Austria. [12] [13][14]. In an interview, the adult woman O. Pilhar told the austrian newspaper Madonna in 2008 that: ...I feel good... [15] [16].

Michaela Jakubczyk-Eckert (Germany 2005)

Michaela Jakubczyk-Eckert
right breast of M. Jakubczyk-Eckert
one of the latest pictures

The german artist Michael Jakubczyk-Eckert was born november 14, 1964 and she died suffering very much the day november 12, 2005 just a few days away from her birthday.

She started to suffer from breastcancer (right breast) at the end of 2000 and she did not seek medical help earlier than one year later at the end of 2001. She started first a conventional therapy but changed mind and used the new-medicine according to Hamer, after she knew something about this method in the internet. Together with her mother she went to Hamer in spain. According to the memory of her husband Gilbert, Hamer diagnozed a partner-conflict as she presented cancer on her right side and were right-handed. Always according to Gilberts memory, Hamer told her to stop any conventional cure immediately and she should refuse a planned operation. When Hamer was asked how much there were to pay, he asked them to buy two of his books at a price of 150,- Euro. After her return to Germany, Mrs Jakubczyk-Eckert stopped any conventional cure and was then assisted by a co-called study-group of new-medicine near to her home until her health state was deteriorating very much, forcing her to go to a palliative-medicine center in Cologne (Hospiz Lohmar). She had much pain and did not use any analgetic drug at that time. Rules of new medicine forbid the use of strong analgetic drugs like morphine. The nurses in the Hospiz Lohmar were horrified and declared to witnesses that they never saw an other patient suffering as she did until her death.

The pictures shown and her story are reported by her husband Gilbert, by two of her physicians and nurses of Hospiz Lohmar.

More details of this case can be seen here in english language: [1].

Michaela's mother and some people (all supporter of Hamer) published a text trying to explain Michaela's death from their own point of view: http://www.gnm-nl.be/20060209_Gegendarstellung_MoPo.pdf

Today, in Germany 81% of all women with breastcancer survive at least 5 years after a conventional therapy[17].

Sören Wechselbaum (Germany)

Sören Wechselbaum

Sören Wechselbaum was 35 years old in 2002, when he started to suffer from testicular cancer. According to his mother Christa Wechselbaum, her son was a strict follower of new medicine until the day before his death and he refused any help or therapy by conventional medicine. Testicular cancer is however one of the cancers we know that can be cured very sucessfully by modern medicine, the prognosis is around 90% today. Ryke Geerd Hamer himself had also testicular cancer in 1979 and preferred to be cured by conventional medicine and is still alive (in 2008 28 years later). Sören died instead, and one day before his death he admitted that he did an error choosing the new medicine. He said this to a close friend. His mother is one of the strictest opponents of Hamer's new medicine in Germany organizing public demostrations.

Carmen (Germany)


Carmen started to suffer from breast cancer in 2003, an intraductal carcinoma. Details of her suffering were made public in a television transmission by her sister K.[18] and in forum-messages by her boy-fried Erik Stolz [19]. She died later at age 33. Together with his boy-friend Erik she was known to be a new-medicne follower and so she refused any conventional medical treatment. She seeked help instead in a german Heilpraktiker (naturopath). Carmen went to Hamer who was already barred at that time and lived in spain. Hamer received Carmen and performed an alledgedly sucessful so-called conflictolysis according to the rules of new medicine. The Heilpraktiker promised her a recovering without any further cure, without a radiation therapy, or operation. She had only to resolve her conflicts he said and in that case her cancer would simply disappear. But Carmed got a stroke (a typical complication in cancer) and her stroke was considered to be a epileptoid crisis according to new medicine - speech. She was then cured in a dilettant way by sugar-containing drinks, and cooling of her head by ice. Her breast cancer was however not influenced by these maneuvers and she started to suffer from increasing nausea. Her tumor caused several metastases, advanced to her back and caused much pain. At the beginning of february 2005 a public forum message announced her death caused by breast cancer. She died perhaps much eralier, in summer 2004 as her contributions to the NGM-forum ceased at that date. Many other messages related to her death were deleted by the administrators of that forum, but they were carefully recorded in time by external observers. A discussion of this case was obviously unwanted in that forum. The Heilpraktiker could not be sued sucessfully and his indentity is still unknown.

Gaby J. daughter of Mrs. Rose-Laure Huber (Switzerland)


TV-station RBB (Radio Berlin-Brandenburg) reported in 2005 the death of a young swiss nurse who died because of breast cancer after beein cured a long time according to principles of new medicine [20] [21]. Gaby J. ([22]) was born in 1952. She suffered from breast cancer and refused any further conventional medical therapy after a first operation. Instead, she beleived in Hamer's new medicine. People out of the local Hamer-scene told her that her tumor was sign of a self-healing process and that she had to wait until a final recovery would come up. But nevertheless she died the day june 6, 2000 suffering very much as her mother Rose-Laure Huber reports. A description of her terrible situation a few days before her death can be seen here: [23].

Like Mrs. Wechselbaum, the mother of Gaby makes the hamerian new medicine responsible for her suffering and her death [24]. A detailed report of her mother can be seen here in german language: [25]

still not identified man called Aldo (Italy 2006)

In december 2006, an italian young male admirer and supporter of new medicine /nuova medicine germanica) by the name of Aldo died because of cancer in the town of Bergamo (Italy). His identity is still unknown, but many facts are known from different sources permitting to describe this case. Aldo was known to be a Hamer-supporter and was active in an italian internet-forum where supporters and critics can meet and exchange opinions (Meet-up forum of italian comic and political activist Beppe Grillo). In this forum he was avtive as Ali Baba, this has been revealed by a close friend of him (G.) who wants to keep her name secret. In his contributing messages (recorded and saved, but also still visible) he shows a sort of blind trust in the new medicine. It is still a mistery who was leading him to that method. Some people were shocked reading his messages as he also told in public to have cancer. But nobody wanted to advice him to seek competent medical help. The day 20 of september 2006 he reports to have a tumor, that he calls himself cancer. He does not want any medical help he says. The day 2 of october first weak doubts about new medicine can be noted and he considers to try the method of italian former physician Tullio Simoncini who believes in the fungus candida albicans to be the real cause of all cancer, and to be cured by a primitive sodium-bicarbonate-cure (this physician was already barred and convicted like Hamer at that time). The day 24 of november he reports a large tumor in his belly that caused internal bleedings and a short emergency recovery in a hospital of Bergamo. He talks about a successful conflictolysis according to new medicine. He shows sign of fear and seeks in vein a confirmation of alleged sucessfully cured other cancer patients by new medicine. But nobody knows any. He writes to the NGM-association ALBA in Genoa and seeks help there. But he receives only a meaningless and strange email stating that ..the patient is responsible himself for his therapy... and he is disappointed to see that this association is not willing to help him or is simply incompetent. His last message is in fact a good bye and a clear denial of modern scientific medicine. He writes that somebody (unknown) asked him to confirm that (allegedly) no NGM-physician assisted him in the past, as if this fact would be important. He does not understand why his tumor is growing despite the fact that he made a successful conflictolysis, and why he is still waiting for a recovery to come. At the end he speaks about his fate. A few day before his death he transmitts all his passwords to a female friend (G.) in order to continue in his name his messages, but she is deeply impressed by his death and she decides not to write in his name. Instead she tells what happened in a forum message. She reveals that he had an inheritated form of cancer (probably Familial Adenomatous Polyposis FAP), and that other member of his family had the same disease and could recover by choosing an effective medical treatment.

More details and a link to all recorded messages: Fall Aldo aus Bergamo

Domenico Mannarino (Italy 2006)

Domenico Mannarino
one page of the diary of Domenico Mannarino

The day 20 of august 2006 the italian policeman Domenico Mannarino died at age fifty under terrible pain because of cancer, while his doctor was not present. Mannarino lived in the southern italian city Crotone. Since november 2005 he knew about his lung cancer with a diameter of 1 cm. A member of his family, the roman physician B.L. ([26]), adviced him to seek help by new medicine and he agreed. This curing physician was not working in Crotone, but was (and is still) working in Rome at the hospital Sant' Andrea. But he was visiting his patient and was in phone-contact with him. Mannarino and his wife Cinzia went then to a NGM-physician in Aulla (Liguria) named Lupi. He wanted 150,- Euro for the consultation and wanted them to buy some NM-books (memory of his wife and as recorded in his private diary), and they decide to buy books. In Aulla resides one of the publishing companies for Hamer-books, formerly Amici di Dirk srl, now Secondo Natura srl. The two are disappointed however, because Lupi seems to prefer talking instead of listening and wonder very much. Later the president of the italian association ALBA, Marco Pfister (a swiss citizen and former barman without any known medical degree) is included in the number of persons to give him advices and Mannarino stays in phone-contact with him. His physician BL diagnozes an alleged harmless bronchial ulceration and excludes categorically any cancer despite former radiological evidences, records his wife Cinzia. BL forbits now any conventional treatment and urges him not to repeat any radiological exploration. He shall not talk about his decision to try new medicine and forbits him to tell his own name as treating physician to anyone. But Mannarino is a very accurate and meticulous policeman and writes down every detail of his disease and treatment in his private diary, that will be shown after his death by his wife. BL promised a rapid recovery for his ulceration. Mannarino followed all the instructions and refused any conventional treatment. His health situation deteriorated rapidly however, his lung tumor grew and he got a metastasis at his chin. BL considered this to be a sign of upcoming recovery. Later he was semi-paralyzed and died at home, cured by his wife. His physician BL was far away in the carabean for holidays. Mannarino could not seek other medical help as he had promised not to contact any other doctor. His death left alone his wife and three children. After his return, BL did not try to console the widow Cinzia, but accused the astonished woman to have caused the death of his husband because she allegedly did not believe stricly in the new medicine, which is necessary to recover according to the rules of new medicine. But she answered that she did read out one of the Hamer-books to her husband when he was not any more able to read himself. Cinzia Alunni (the widow) became very upset and made public many details of this story in the italian press. She still keeps the diary of his husband and all receipts and bills. She tried to sue BL, but had no success. She was threatened by an unknown pistol-armed man waiting for her in front of her door at the end of 2007 and will now move away from Crotone to avoid further menaces for her children and herself. In a newspaper article she consideres the Hamer method used as illegal human experiments.

Maresa T.L. (Bergamo Italy 2007)

Maresa L. (Bergamo)

Mrs. Maresa T.L. ([27]) was born in 1959 and worked as chemist in Bergamo (Italy). She died in 2007 at age 48 because of breast cancer. She had followed a three years lasting formation course in new medicine in Aulla (Liguria). 2004 she knew about a suspect histological diagnostic finding but she refused strictly any medical intervention, believing solely in new medicine. She also refused any further diagnosting procedures. She left her job as chemist and became a Tai-Chi teacher. She was in contact with a local physiotherapist (P.P [28]) in Bergamo and the president of the NGM-association ALBA, Marco Pfister. According to her relatives, she phoned almost every day with Pfister (having no known medical degree or license). In june 2007 her breast cancer was grewing and she started to suffer more and more and in august she got an icterus, her skin assumed a yellow colour. Marco Pfister told her that this should be a sign of an alledged recovery and that her yellow skin was in reality caused by her anger not to be able to make a visit to Ischia island in her hoildays where she hired a vacation house. An operation were only of use for esthetic reasons he said. Her left breast presented several large tumors in the mean time. The day27 of august she was admitted as emergency case in a local hospital (Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo) where she received a blood donation. She presented several metastasis in her body. In the afternoon of th 28th of august she died after days of horrible pain [29][30]

Helena Lumbreras (Spain 1995)

Helena Lumbreras
Vicenç Herrera from Barcelona

The spanish professor and known Franco-opponent Helena (Elena) Lumbreras noticed a tumor in her left breast at age 51 in 1987. She tried to cure her breast cancer with different alternative methods without having any success however. At the end she died leaving two daughters and a husband. After first trying faith-healing she noted that her tumor grew and that a metastasis appeared. So she decided to undergo a late conventionally chemotherapy and radiation therapy. After these treatment she tested again an alternative method using the whole-body hyperthermia without having a success again. Then she received the advive to test the new medicine from a collegue. Her duaghter Valeria reports that Helena Lumbreras called a Hamer-center in the Malaga region where someone promised her to recover within three weeks. An unknown make voice with strong german accent gave her advices what to do. The day 12 of march 1995 she started to suffer much more and could not srand up or leave her room anymore. The german-sounding voice forbit her to use any pain-relieving analgetic drug and she shall never use any chemotherapy in the future. Mrs Lumbreras had terrible pain and could not sleep more than one hour per day and refused to eat. After two month of telefonic-treatman, a NGM-physician appeared suddenly: the spanish physician Vicenç Herrera from Barcelona. According to Herrera she had an alledged mother-child-conflict that was causing her breastcancer in her left breast. When pain was further increasing, Herrera considered this to be a sign of proceso de recalcificación and of recovering. In june 1995 she had to be admitted as an emergency case to a hospital. For a coincidence she saw there in hospital a report about the Olivia Pilhar case in television (Olivia and their parents were in spain at that time) and by this way she knew that Hamer had lost his medical license. Her daughter Valeria records that she said to her: ...«Ojalá lo hubiera sabido antes».. The day 4 of august 1995 she died suffering strong pain. Her last doctor was Vicenç Herrera Adell who was a strict Hamer-supporter in spain since 1992. The curing physicians Juan Puget Valencia and Vicenç Herrera Adell were sued by parents of Mrs Lumbreras. Puget Valencia did regret to have made use of new medicine and the legal procedure against him was closed. The Consejo del Colegio de Médicos de Catalunya revoked the medical license of Vicenç Herrera [31][32]

Elsemarit Fjeldheim (Norway 2005)

Elsemarit Fjeldheim of Norway died in 2006 because of breast cancer at age 52. At the beginningof her disease she had received a good prognosis by her doctor. But she refused any treatment of conventional medicine. She wrote a private diary that shows the following: She heard about the new medicine of Ryke Geerd Hamer in Norway and asked her doctor to be treated by two norwegian therapists according to the rules of new medicine: Bent Madsen and Dagfrid Kolas. Her doctor agreed. Mrs Fjeldheim was then cured by these two persons and was presented in public to be a living example for a successful cancer treatment by the new medicine. Mrs Fjeldheim was assured to recover from her disease, but she finally died one year adter beginning her new-medicine treatment [33]

The Rossaro-cases in Vicenza and Padova (Italy)

Paolo Rossaro

The italian physician Paolo Rossaro from Albignasego (Vicenza) is known to treat cancer patients according to new medicine and to perform a new-medicine-specific CT brain scan diagnosis. He founded slso a private association called Primum vitae. Several of his patients died following his instructions, but no cured patient is known so far. Rossaro is now accused for unvolountary man-slauther and severe lesions ("omicidio colposo" art 589 cp und "lesioni colpose"), and risks to loose his medical license [34][35].

  • The eve of christams 2007 died the italian truck driver Christian Trevisan because of Hodgkin lymphoma in Vicenza (Italy) at only age 35 [36] leaving his wife and a daughter. According to several different newspaper articles, he refused conventional medical help and believed in Hamer's new medicine and wonder abilities of Paolo Rossaro. Rossaro treated Trevisan in vein with oceanic water and vitamins and the psycological support of new medicine. When his situation deteriorated, Trevisan decided finally desperately to seek help in a conventional clinic where it was decided to sue Rossaro. But his situation was so severe that no cure could help him and he died after a short recovery-time.
  • In 2007 a man aged only 21 died in Padova (Italy) after beeing treated by Rossaro. He had also a Hodgkin-lymphoma like Trevisan. This young man refused also any conventional and effective cures of modern medicine.
  • Anna Tosin from Vicenza, aged 60, was also a patient of Rossaro and had breast cancer. According to several newspaper article, she was told by Rossaro to stop any conventional cure and did so. She died.

Hodgkin-lymphoma: the Hodgkin-lymphoma can be cured offering a good prognosis for the patients. Approximately 95% of all Hodgkin-patients survive a modern therapy of today (according to studies made on more than 14000 cases). Using radiation and chemotherapy, 96% of all 920 patients in Germany between 1994 and 2003 survived 5 years and 95% survived 10 years. During the sixties, only about 30% of all patients survived. [37]. According to a study from the USA (2006), the prognosis was over 80% [38].


  1. http://seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_2002/results_merged/topic_survival_by_year_dx.pdf
  2. http://seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_2002/results_merged/topic_survival.pdf
  3. http://statecancerprofiles.cancer.gov/historicaltrend/joinpoint.withimage.php?0&9900&999&7599&001&001&00&0&0&0&2&0&1&1#graph
  4. http://annonc.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/14/suppl_5/v61
  5. Coleman MP, EUROCARE-3 summary: cancer survival in Europe at the end of the 20th century, .Ann Oncol. 2003;14 Suppl 5:v128-49
  6. http://annonc.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/14/suppl_5/v28 Micheli A, EUROCARE Working Group. Life expectancy and cancer survival in the EUROCARE-3 cancer registry areas. Ann Oncol 14: v28-v40
  7. german newspaper Der Spiegel, number 32 in 1995
  8. name and address are well known, we as authors prefer to keep his name secret as he is not any more a supporter of new medicine and his name has never been made public by the italian new-medicine-scene
  9. Pilhar H: Olivia - Tagebuch eines Schicksals, Amici di Dirk Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-926755-08-3
  10. Hamer's own words in german: ...Bei Olivia hatte sie Leberkrebs, weil sie einen Verhungerungskonflikt hatte, weil die Mutter nicht mehr gekocht hatte und in die Schule gegangen war, und die Oma nun kochen musste, die immer Schnitzel nur briet...
  11. http://www.swr.de/report/archiv/sendungen/021118/04/frames.html
  12. Austrian cancer patient's parents sentenced, in: lancet, 1996 Nov 23;348(9039):1440
  13. Martin Zimper, book: "Das Mädchen Olivia" ed. Herbig, 1996 ISBN 3-7766-1970-8 (german)
  14. article in: Der Spiegel number 32, august 7 1995
  15. Newspaper Madonna, date july 5, 2008, page 28
  16. article in german newspaper Bild, date july 13, 2008
  17. http://www.rki.de/cln_160/nn_203956/DE/Content/GBE/DachdokKrebs/Broschuere/Lokalisationen/C50,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/C50.pdf
  18. TV station RBB (radio Berlin-Brandenburg ARD member) transmission Kontraste day august 9, 2007
  19. http://www.ariplex.com/ama/ama_ham7.htm
  20. TV station RBB, transmission Kontraste day november 10, 2005
  21. http://www.rbb-online.de/_/kontraste/beitrag_jsp/key=rbb_beitrag_3362703.html
  22. her name is known, her mother and especially her father prefer to keep her name secret for privacy-reasons. A contact to her mother can be made via email or phone
  23. ..Sie war nur noch ein Skelett mit Haut überzogen, ein paar Büscheln Haaren. Sie sah aus wie 90. Und die ganze Brust, es war offen, es hat geblutet, faulig, es hatte Eiter, die Brust, Rücken, eine faulige, eitrige offene Wunde. Man hätte fast die Knochen sehen können, es war einfach alles weg. Das muss entsetzlich geschmerzt haben....
  24. ...Ich werfe ihnen vor, dass sie akzeptieren, dass so und so viele Leute grauenvoll zugrunde gehen. Ohne ärztliche Hilfe. Es sind Lügner, es sind Menschenverächter. Ich weiß nicht, was ich denen noch sagen soll....
  25. http://www.transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/showtopic.php?threadid=2953
  26. name known, for legal reasons we prefer to keep the name secret, hoping that he will be convicted one day so that we may tell his name. The widow of Mannarino is willing to tell his name. A contact can be made via email
  27. Name and address are known. The relatives of Maresa asked us not to publish her name in the next future. A contact via email can be estabished.
  28. name is known
  29. article in newspaper Libero september 29, 2007
  30. http://www.libero-news.it/libero/LF_showArticle.jsp?edition=&topic=4921&idarticle=87528124
  31. Xavier Margarit (Barcelona), El Mundo 13.8.1995
  32. http://www.elmundo.es/papel/hemeroteca/1995/08/13/sociedad/59623.html
  33. newspaper article in Verdens Gang, day 25 and 26 of march 2007
  34. newspaper article Mattino aus Padova may 19, 2007
  35. newspaper article Giornale di Vicenza may 19, 2007
  36. article in giornale di Vicenza day dicember 29, 2006
  37. Jahresbericht 2004 des Deutschen Kinderkrebsregisters, Universität Mainz
  38. Ansell SM, Armitage JO, Management of Hodgkin lymphoma, Mayo Clin Proc. 2006 Mar;81(3):419-26