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[[image:Sterling_Allan.jpg|Sterling Allan <ref>Source:</ref>|thumb]]
'''Pure Energy Systems Network Incorporated''' (short PESN) is a company from Mt. Pleasant, Utah.<ref>PES Network, Inc., PO Box 429, Mt. Pleasant, UT 84647-0429</ref> It was founded in November 2003 by a Sterling Allan, who still manages it. The company has several english websites in the Internet that attend to the purpose of the company: Portraying and advertising mostly uncritical all kinds of [[Free Energy|free energy]]-machines and [[Perpetual Motion|perpetual motion]]-devices however obscure or of criminal origin. In addition, it spreads uncritical [[Pseudoscience|pseudoscientific]] concepts like [[skalar waves]]. Further focus is on [[Conspiracy Theory|conspiracy theories]] and unverifiable anecdotes of an alleged suppression and assassination attempts against some inventors in the energy sector.

The company Pure Energy Systems Network Incorporated purports that it's fields of activity are "clean energy" concepts. It aims to support allegedly alternative and cheaper methods to create clean energy and leverage their breakthrough by introducing them as "open source" to everyone for free. It states explicitly that it aims to bring knowledge of supposedly "suppressed" inventions and research:

:''We seek to bring knowledge of suppressed technologies into more conventional arenas, by increasing awareness and scientific rigor, as well as by facilitating the necessary business, financial and legal collaborations needed for success.''

One of the main points are concepts which use electrolysis and hydrogen. The PESN creators do not shy away from media support for convicted crooks whose business conduct was obvious even before the conviction. In reality PESN has not shown one working energy concept, which is not already well known (e.g. Photovoltaic) and could be used practically as an alternative to existing energy sources. To cite:

:''We at PES Network, Inc. feature, promote and foster energy technologies that are on the cutting-edge, and which are clean, super-efficient, non-depleting, reliable and affordable; which have not yet been introduced to the mainstream, facilitating their emergence as legitimate modalities. Our work primarily takes the form of information dissemination, but we also network individuals together, helping to secure funding and business expertise. Much of the networking takes place behind the scenes through the news and directory exposure PES Network provides for emerging technologies.''

The definition of "free energy" of the PESN founder Sterling Allan must not be confused with the scientific definition of free energy in the physical/normal sense. According to Allan it is energy, which is available for free. He names solar energy, wind, geothermal energy and hydropower as examples. Without thematic separation all kinds of pseudoscientific ideas are subsumed under the same term, for example [[Zero Point energy|"zero point energy" (ZPE)]], energy from magnets/magnet motors or [[Cold Fusion|cold fusion]].

Commercial interests of business partners of advertisers are apparently the reason for downright defamatory acts against various vendors of products and inventors which are active in the same market share of unconventional energy concepts and fraudulent products (see "The Cell Inc." down below as an example)

==Internetprojects of Pure Energy Systems Network Incorporated==
Among the Internet projects are websites like:

* as website of the company PES Network, Inc.
*Peswiki, a wiki which can be edited by the public to some degree
*New Energy Congress – NEC und "Top100Energy". NEC claims to do "reviews" of various energy concepts
* as a news portal
* to spread press releases and other news

The websites of PESN mention that a Jim Newburn had supported them financially in the beginning. Later joint ventures were established and nowadays the money comes from selling products which are promoted on the websites plus income from google ads and some donations.<ref>Citation: ''Financial<br>We got a boost during our skinny start-up time through a generous loan/grant from Jim Newburn. Our preliminary alignment with the Open Source Energy Network for half a year last year, which ended up not resulting in a joint venture, also helped while we matured. Since that time, we have become solvent, thanks primarily to the Google-served topic-relevant ads and a few items we make available for sale on the site. There is also some donation assistance that helps things move forward.''</ref>

It can actually be assumed that provisions are paid. PESN Boss Sterling Allan worked for a long time with [[Mike Brady]] ([[Perendev-Group]]). Allan was webmaster if the website "" and domain holder of the domain, which promoted the Perendev products. He also set up a newsletter at Yahoo about it. Allan had the privilege right to market the nonexisting Perendev products in the USA. He organized a USA trip for Brady, who wanted to auction of his invention for 500 million dollar.

==Das Team==
[[image:Brady_Allan.jpg|Mike Brady und Sterling Allan (Bild: PESN)|thumb]]
According to PESN the PESN-Team consist of more than 50 "energy professionals".

*Sterling D. Allan is the founder of PESN Inc. According to him he is interested in "free energy" since 2002. Further enthusiasm was kindled by the South African [[Mike Brady]], for whom he organized a USA trip to advertise the products of his [[Perendev-Group]]. Alas, the magnet motors of Perendev did not exist. Mike Brady was later sentenced to prison for fraud for taking advance and down payments for his wonder generators.
*Kenneth M. Rauen, former employee of a Gene Mallove and his "Mallove's Infinite Energy Magazine". Before Allan started with "free energy", he was committed to the conservative US politician [[Ron Paul]] and involved in his presidential campaign in 2004.
*Doug Furr. Furr is allegedly an engineer and claims to have build a 4:1 replicate of the Perendev-Wondergenerator of the fraudulent Perendev Group in 2003, which - not surprising - did not work.

==Conspiracy Theories==
[[image:Bob_Boyce.jpg|Alleged Tumor with RFID-Chip ("VeriChip") of a Bob Boyd (Bild: PESN)|thumb]]
<!-- Die erstaunlichsten verbreiteten Verschwörungstheorien beziehen sich auf angebliche Unterdrückungsmassnahmen verschiedenster Kreise gegen Erfinder aus dem "alternativen" Energiebereich, ohne dass dabei jedoch konkrete Angaben gemacht werden. Um das Thema scheint sich insbesondere NEC-Mitglied Gary Vesperman zu kümmern. Genannt werden dabei amerikanische Geheimdienste, das FBI, die Ölindustrie oder Steuerbehörden.<ref></ref>

Als Beispiele unterdrückter Erfinder werden sowohl verurteilte Betrüger als auch Erfinder gescheiterter Projekte oder "verkannte Genies" genannt. Als typische Beispiele aus der langen Liste "unterdrückter Erfinder" können etwa Erfindervisionär [[Nikola Tesla]], [[John Bedini]], [[Tom Bearden]] oder [[Orgon]]-Forscher und Psychiater [[Wilhelm Reich]] genannt werden, die von PESN aufgeführt werden.

:''Nikola Tesla has been the object of several conspiracy theories, with claims relating to revolutionary energy generation and distribution technologies which may or may not have been utilised by 'HAARP', an American military-funded research programme...Oil Barons Dominate the Emerging North American Union - Traditional combustion-energy paradigm is over-represented at secret high-level negotiations under North American Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). Scheduled to begin to exercise power authority by 2007, it is likely to be resistant to clean energy trends.''

Weitere "Unterdrückte" sind der verurteilte Anlagebetrüger [[Mike Brady]] mit seiner Schwindelfirma [[Perendev-Group]] (PESN: "4.45 Mike Brady: Perendev 300 kW Self-Running Electromagnetic Generator"). Als Beleg einer "Unterdrückung" nennt man bei PESN eine Email von Brady:

:''From: Mike Brady<br>To:<br>Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 3:20 AM<br>Subject: RE: [FE_updates] another thug threat; EV directory; gov. blocks wind plans; corn fiber to ethanol It seems that the more one tries to find solution for alternative fuel the more problems one has to content with, for example I have received emails that state if I proceed with the show on the 7th July I will be killed, this at first was taken lightly, now it seems that I have vehicles parked outside my house watching me, when I record the registration numbers and have them checked they are unknown, why can we not just get on with what we are doing instead of the World just thinking of money, what good will money be when there is no world to spend it in.<br>Mike Brady''

Großer Raum wird "unterdrückten", erfolglosen Erfindern von Motoren gewidmet, die behaupten, ihren Motor mit Wasser betreiben zu können (siehe [[Wasserauto]]). Auch wird eine unbelegte Statistik zu unterdrückten Erfindungen auf dem Energiesektor verbreitet:


As of Aug. 24, 2007<br>
Energy Invention Suppression Case Statistics<br>
Number of Energy Invention Suppression Incidents – 96<br>
Number of Dead, Missing, or Injured Energy Inventors, Activists, and Associates – 20<br>
Number of Energy Inventors and Associates Threatened with Death – 31<br>
Number of Energy Researchers and Associates Imprisoned or Falsely Charged – 5<br>
Number of Incidents of Energy Invention Suppression by the United States Government, Patent Office, Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Marshals, Army, Air Force, Navy, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Defense Intelligence Agency, S.W.A.T. Teams, National Security Agency, U.S. Postal Service, Department of Energy, Department of State, Securities and Exchange Commission, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Internal Revenue Service, Rural Electrification Administration, White House, Consumer Product Safety Commission, and Small Business Administration – 58<br>
Number of Inventions Classified Secret by U.S. Patent Office – 5000<br>
Number of Incidents Involving Oil Companies – 9<br>

Eine Anekdote der besonderen Art ist eine angeblich geheime Mikrochip-Implantation bei einem Mitarbeiter einer Schwindelfirma aus Florida namens "The Cell Inc." des gleichen Sektors, die aus unerfindlichen Gründen diffamiert wird. Mit Bildern unterstützt wird auf den Webseiten von PESN kolportiert, dass bei der Firma "The Cell Inc." eines Bob Potchen ein Mitarbeiter namens Bob Boyce während eine Kurzschlafs heimlich ein RFID-Chip im Oberarm implantiert worden sei, um seinen Aufenthaltsort ständig kontrollieren zu können. Nach der Implantation hätte sich am Ort der Implantaion des RFID-Chip ein bösartiger Tumor (ein malignes Melanom) entwickelt (wegen der Latenzzeit müsste der Tumor jedoch bereits vorher anwesend gewesen sein). Später habe man sogar an gleicher Stelle einen zweiten RFID-Chip entdeckt, beide sollen chirurgisch entfernt worden sein. Boyd sei ebenfalls Erfinder, und zwar habe er eine "ultraeffiziente Eletrolyse" und eine "selbst wiederaufladbare Batterieschaltung" entdeckt. Offenbar Grund, um "unterdrückt" zu werden.<ref></ref><ref></ref>. Firmeninhaber Potchen versuchte vergebens, Allan zu bewegen, entsprechende Behauptungen von den PESN-Webseiten entfernen zu lassen, da sie "erfunden" seien:

:''Again, I am kindly but sternly requesting that you remove these libelous stories from your website. I find it very surprising that someone like you who seems to be dedicated to the true research, development, and application of clean energy technology would continue to perpetuate this wild speculation without ever even having taken the time to speak with me on the phone or visit my facility.''

Potchen ist Hersteller von Geräten, die Automotoren Wasserstoffgas ([[HHO]]) zusätzlich zuführen, um den Benzinverbrauch um bis zu 24% zu senken.<ref></ref> ''"If there is anyone who is truly committed to pursuing the practical application of HHO technology, it is me and my team."'' Hintergrund war offenbar ein Streit zwischen zwei Erfindern nicht funktionierender Wundergeräte.

[[category:Free Energy]]
[[category:Conspiracy Theory]]


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