
4 134 octets ajoutés ,  8 décembre 2018 à 16:32
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<ref> Stricker et al Sept 2011 Dove Press article on IV therapy (Posts du 25 au 30 septembre 2011)</ref> <ref> The mysterious business of QMedRx (Posts des 27 28 et 29 septembre 2011</ref>
<ref> Stricker et al Sept 2011 Dove Press article on IV therapy (Posts du 25 au 30 septembre 2011)</ref> <ref> The mysterious business of QMedRx (Posts des 27 28 et 29 septembre 2011</ref>
=== Ce qui figurait sur le site de QMedRX ===
=== Ce qui figurait sur le site de QMedRX en 2011 ===
The mysterious business of [[maladie de Lyme chronique|chronic Lyme disease]]
Le mystérieux business de la [[maladie de Lyme chronique]]
Reading the latest piece of chronic Lyme disease propaganda from Stricker, et al. last week, I noticed the little disclosure statement at the end of their poorly constructed fairy tale. The disclosure noted that Stricker and Christine L. Green of the California LD Assoc. (CALDA) have a non-financial relationship with QMedRX by virtue of their serving on its advisory board.  
En lisant le dernier article de propagande sur la maladie de Lyme chronique de [[Raphael Stricer|Stricker]], et al. la semaine dernière, j'ai remarqué la petite déclaration de divulgation [Psiram: d'éventuels conflits d’intérêts] à la fin de leur conte de fées mal construit. La divulgation indiquait que [[Raphael Stricer|Stricker]] et Christine L. Green de la California Lyme Disease Association (CALDA) ont une relation non financière avec QMedRX en raison de leur participation à son Conseil consultatif.  
I was curious about that relationship, and just what kind of business QMedRx is that they would want these two people on some kind of advisory board. Well, Stricker is one of those so-called “Lyme literate” docs who think Lyme disease is a chronic (sometimes eternal) infection that must be held in check with the steady drip of expensive antibiotics over many months or years. CALDA peddles much of the same philosophy to its members and the public.  
J'étais curieux au sujet de cette relation, et je me demandais quel genre de business est celui de QMedRx pour qu'ils veuillent que ces deux personnes siègent à un Conseil consultatif. Eh bien, Stricker est l'un de ce qu'on appelle les "Lyme literate" doctors qui pensent que la [[maladie de Lyme]] est une infection chronique (parfois éternelle) qui doit être contrôlée par la perfusion constante d'antibiotiques coûteux pendant de nombreux mois ou années. La CALDA transmet la même philosophie à ses membres et au public.  
So it’s perhaps no surprise an i.v. infusion company that bills itself as “Lyme literate” would be interested in self-described Lyme docs and Lyme activist group. Here’s what the QMedRx website says about itself:  
Il n'est donc peut-être pas surprenant qu'une société de perfusion [par voie] intraveineuse qui se décrit elle-même comme "Lyme literate" soit intéressée par des [gens] se qualifiant eux-mêmes de Lyme doctors et un groupe activiste de Lyme. Voici ce que le site Web de QMedRx dit sur lui-même :
#''QMedRx: The Lyme Company<br><br><br>'''QMedRx, Inc.'''<br>630 N Wymore Rd Suite 370<br>Maitland FL 32751<br>Telephone 877.339.6593<br><br>'''QMedRx''', is a company exclusively dedicated to the Lyme community. Through our pharmacy Home Care Solutions, we provide all components of service required by the Lyme Patient and the referring physician including: Case Management, Homecare Nursing, Insurance Reimbursement and IV Products and Supplies.<br><br>The QMedRx "Lyme Literate Team", are made up of clinical staff of pharmacists, nurses, pharmacy technicians, case managers, and insurance specialists who have years of experience managing and helping Lyme patients in the comfort of their own home. They follow the referring physician's protocol, coordinating a comprehensive approach to the medical management of Lyme disease and associated illnesses and infections that are treated with specialty compounds, and IV antibiotics.<br><br>The QMedRx Insurance Reimbursement Department is a dedicated team of full-time insurance specialists adept at initiating, negotiating and managing the challenges of claim approval from third party payers. As patient advocates, our insurance specialists keep you the patient informed every step of the way while following through with the appeals process (BEYOND 30 days [their emphasis]) for intravenous antibiotic therapy.<br><br>'''The QMedRx Lyme Advisory Scientific Committee is comprised of Lyme patients, Lyme-literate physicians, Lyme-literate pharmacists, Lyme-literate nurses and Lyme-literate insurance reimbursement specialists.'''<br><br>Our goal is to simplify and increase the quality of patient care while offering the very best medical treatment and patient support possible.<br><br>We regularly visit and speak with Lyme patients and support groups to learn more about patient care from the patients’ point of view.''
#''QMedRx: The Lyme Company<br><br><br>'''QMedRx, Inc.'''<br>630 N Wymore Rd Suite 370<br>Maitland FL 32751<br>Telephone 877.339.6593<br><br>'''QMedRx''', is a company exclusively dedicated to the Lyme community. Through our pharmacy Home Care Solutions, we provide all components of service required by the Lyme Patient and the referring physician including: Case Management, Homecare Nursing, Insurance Reimbursement and IV Products and Supplies.<br><br>The QMedRx "Lyme Literate Team", are made up of clinical staff of pharmacists, nurses, pharmacy technicians, case managers, and insurance specialists who have years of experience managing and helping Lyme patients in the comfort of their own home. They follow the referring physician's protocol, coordinating a comprehensive approach to the medical management of Lyme disease and associated illnesses and infections that are treated with specialty compounds, and IV antibiotics.<br><br>The QMedRx Insurance Reimbursement Department is a dedicated team of full-time insurance specialists adept at initiating, negotiating and managing the challenges of claim approval from third party payers. As patient advocates, our insurance specialists keep you the patient informed every step of the way while following through with the appeals process (BEYOND 30 days [their emphasis]) for intravenous antibiotic therapy.<br><br>'''The QMedRx Lyme Advisory Scientific Committee is comprised of Lyme patients, Lyme-literate physicians, Lyme-literate pharmacists, Lyme-literate nurses and Lyme-literate insurance reimbursement specialists.'''<br><br>Our goal is to simplify and increase the quality of patient care while offering the very best medical treatment and patient support possible.<br><br>We regularly visit and speak with Lyme patients and support groups to learn more about patient care from the patients’ point of view.''<br><br>(traduction: <br>QMedRx : La compagnie Lyme<br><br><br>'''QMedRx, Inc.'''<br>630 N Wymore Rd Suite 370<br>Maitland FL 32751<br>Téléphone 877.339.6593<br><br>'''QMedRx''', est une entreprise exclusivement dédiée à la communauté de Lyme. Grâce à nos solutions de soins à domicile en pharmacie, nous fournissons tous les éléments de service requis par le patient de Lyme et le médecin traitant, y compris : Gestion de cas, soins infirmiers à domicile, remboursement d'assurance et produits et fournitures IV.<br><br>L'équipe QMedRx "Lyme Literate Team", est composée de pharmaciens, d'infirmières, de techniciens en pharmacie, de gestionnaires de cas et de spécialistes en assurance qui ont des années d'expérience dans la gestion et l'aide aux patients Lyme dans le confort de leur propre maison. Ils suivent le protocole du médecin traitant, coordonnant une approche globale de la prise en charge médicale de la [[maladie de Lyme]] et des maladies et infections associées qui sont traitées par des composés spécialisés et des antibiotiques IV.<br><br>Le service de remboursement d'assurance de QMedRx est une équipe dévouée de spécialistes en assurance à temps plein, capables d'initier, de négocier et de gérer les défis liés à l'approbation des réclamations par des tiers payeurs. En tant que défenseurs des droits des patients, nos spécialistes de l'assurance vous informent à chaque étape du processus d'appel (AU-DELÀ de 30 jours [soulignent-ils]) pour l'antibiothérapie intraveineuse.<br><br>'''Le Conseil scientifique consultatif de QMedRx Lyme est composé de patients de Lyme, de Lyme literate doctors, de Lyme literate pharmaciens, d'infirmières Lyme literate et de Lyme literate spécialistes du remboursement des assurances'''<br><br>Notre objectif est de simplifier et d'améliorer la qualité des soins aux patients tout en offrant le meilleur traitement médical et le meilleur soutien possible aux patients.<br><br>Nous visitons régulièrement les patients de Lyme et les groupes de soutien pour en apprendre davantage sur les soins aux patients du point de vue des patients et en discuter avec eux.)<br><br>
I’ll bet they do. Great way to drum up business. But back to the advisory committee made of Lyme quacks and patients. It would be interesting to know who is on that committee. I’d call or email them, but I’m pretty sure they’ll just tell me to go to hell. Perhaps some other curious, upstanding citizen can give it a try. Probably any forthcoming list of members will not, however, contain too many surprises.<br><br>The QMedRx website also provides links to ILADS, that small collection of self-described, for-profit Lyme docs; LymeNet, the wacky forum for chronic Lyme patients; Public Health Alert, a publication put out by some crazy women who think Lyme disease is the product of government conspiracies and biological warfare, and which is paid for by alternative medicine ads; the Lyme Disease Assoc. in NJ; and a website full of other links to Lyme groups and related nonsense. QMedRx obviously did not create the existing state of hysteria about Lyme disease or the nonsense about chronic Lyme infections, but they certainly seem committed to taking advantage of it and directing visitors to their website to these same sources of disinformation and lunacy.
I’ll bet they do. Great way to drum up business. But back to the advisory committee made of Lyme quacks and patients. It would be interesting to know who is on that committee. I’d call or email them, but I’m pretty sure they’ll just tell me to go to hell. Perhaps some other curious, upstanding citizen can give it a try. Probably any forthcoming list of members will not, however, contain too many surprises.<br>(traduction: Je parie que oui. C'est un bon moyen d'attirer des clients. Mais revenons au comité consultatif composé de charlatans et de patients de Lyme. Il serait intéressant de savoir qui fait partie de ce comité. Je les appellerais bien ou je leur enverrais un mail, mais je suis sûr qu'ils me diront d'aller au diable. Peut-être qu'un autre citoyen curieux et intègre pourrait essayer. Il est probable que la liste des membres à venir ne contiendra pas, cependant, trop de surprises.)<br><br>The QMedRx website also provides links to ILADS, that small collection of self-described, for-profit Lyme docs; LymeNet, the wacky forum for chronic Lyme patients; Public Health Alert, a publication put out by some crazy women who think Lyme disease is the product of government conspiracies and biological warfare, and which is paid for by alternative medicine ads; the Lyme Disease Assoc. in NJ; and a website full of other links to Lyme groups and related nonsense. QMedRx obviously did not create the existing state of hysteria about Lyme disease or the nonsense about chronic Lyme infections, but they certainly seem committed to taking advantage of it and directing visitors to their website to these same sources of disinformation and lunacy.<br>(Traduction: Je parie que oui. C'est un bon moyen d'attirer des clients. Mais revenons au comité consultatif composé de charlatans et de patients de Lyme. Il serait intéressant de savoir qui fait partie de ce comité. Je les appellerais bien ou je leur enverrais un mail, mais je suis sûr qu'ils me diront d'aller au diable. Peut-être qu'un autre citoyen curieux et intègre pourrait essayer. Il est probable que la liste des membres à venir ne contiendra pas, cependant, trop de surprises.)
So QMedRx is in the business of pumping i.v. drugs into people (probably a very good business in Florida where the average age is about 80 and everyone seems to have at least two serious illnesses). As they mention on their website, QMedRx has a pharmacy called Home Care Solutions. HCS, which is at the same address as QMedRx, apparently provides the antibiotics and the delivery equipment and personnel.
So QMedRx is in the business of pumping i.v. drugs into people (probably a very good business in Florida where the average age is about 80 and everyone seems to have at least two serious illnesses). As they mention on their website, QMedRx has a pharmacy called Home Care Solutions. HCS, which is at the same address as QMedRx, apparently provides the antibiotics and the delivery equipment and personnel.<br>QMedRx est donc une entreprise qui consiste à injecter des médicaments par voie intraveineuse (probablement une très bonne entreprise en Floride où l'âge moyen est d'environ 80 ans et où chacun semble avoir au moins deux maladies graves). Comme ils le mentionnent sur leur site Web, QMedRx possède une pharmacie appelée Home Care Solutions. HCS, qui est à la même adresse que QMedRx, [et qui] fournit apparemment les antibiotiques, le matériel de livraison et le personnel.)
QMedRx - Connection Visualizer
QMedRx - Connection Visualizer<br>
QMedRx.jpg (10.54 KiB) Viewed 5783 times
QMedRx.jpg (10.54 KiB) Viewed 5783 times
Then there’s QMedEx, LLC., which is also at the same address as QMedRx (630 N Wymore Rd Ste 370, Maitland, FL 32751). It appears to be a franchise business—a kind of McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts for drug infusion therapies. According to the website, QMedEx and its parent company (would that be QMedRx?) have “developed proven IV antibiotic treatment protocols…for podiatric infection, Lyme disease and chronic sinusitis….” “We are well known in the three disease state markets. Our unique sales and marketing approach will enhance your ability to penetrate the market and grow your business.”
Then there’s QMedEx, LLC., which is also at the same address as QMedRx (630 N Wymore Rd Ste 370, Maitland, FL 32751). It appears to be a franchise business—a kind of McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts for drug infusion therapies. According to the website, QMedEx and its parent company (would that be QMedRx?) have “developed proven IV antibiotic treatment protocols…for podiatric infection, Lyme disease and chronic sinusitis….” “We are well known in the three disease state markets. Our unique sales and marketing approach will enhance your ability to penetrate the market and grow your business.”
QMedRx - Connections WTF!?
QMedRx - Connections WTF!?
spiderweb.jpg (8.04 KiB) Viewed 5783 times
spiderweb.jpg (8.04 KiB) Viewed 5783 times
And then things get really complicated really quick. At the Corporation Wiki website for QMedEx, clicking on “nearby businesses” gives the following list:
And then things get really complicated really quick. At the Corporation Wiki website for QMedEx, clicking on “nearby businesses” gives the following list:<br>
Companies at this address:
Companies at this address:<br>
Qmedrx, Inc.
Qmedrx, Inc.<br>
Barker, Osha & Anderson, Inc.
Barker, Osha & Anderson, Inc.<br>
Wcg, Inc.
Wcg, Inc.<br>
Home Care Solutions, Inc.
Home Care Solutions, Inc.<br>
Glace and Radcliffe, Inc.
Glace and Radcliffe, Inc.<br>
Sinucare, Inc.
Sinucare, Inc.<br>
P & G Properties of Central Florida, LLC
P & G Properties of Central Florida, LLC<br>
Glace & Radcliffe, Incorporated
Glace & Radcliffe, Incorporated<br>
Wcg 1, LLC
Wcg 1, LLC<br>
Qmedex, LLC
Qmedex, LLC<br>
Entent, Inc.
Entent, Inc.<br>
Entent Care, Inc.
Entent Care, Inc.<br>
Beachcube Properties, LLC
Beachcube Properties, LLC<br>
People at this address:
People at this address:<br>
David L Wright
David L Wright<br>
Kevin C Powers
Kevin C Powers<br>
Peter W Jones
Peter W Jones<br>
Andrew W Miller
Andrew W Miller<br>
Karen Keene
Karen Keene<br>
Trish Smith
Trish Smith<br>
Betty Jaibor
Betty Jaibor<br>
Trish Niedergueses
Trish Niedergueses
Suites, apartments, etc. at this address:
Suites, apartments, etc. at this address:<br>
630 N Wymore Rd Maitland, FL 32751
630 N Wymore Rd Maitland, FL 32751<br>
630 N Wymore Rd Ste 300 Maitland, FL 32751
630 N Wymore Rd Ste 300 Maitland, FL 32751<br>
630 N Wymore Rd Ste 310 Maitland, FL 32751
630 N Wymore Rd Ste 310 Maitland, FL 32751<br>
630 N Wymore Rd Ste 320 Maitland, FL 32751
630 N Wymore Rd Ste 320 Maitland, FL 32751<br>
630 N Wymore Rd Ste 330 Maitland, FL 32751
630 N Wymore Rd Ste 330 Maitland, FL 32751<br>
Wow! How do they know what phone call to answer with what corporate name??? Though it must be easy on the mailman: one mailbox for a dozen companies.
Wow! How do they know what phone call to answer with what corporate name??? Though it must be easy on the mailman: one mailbox for a dozen companies.
What’s going on here? And who is this handful of people connected to all these companies and the business of treating “chronic Lyme disease?”
What’s going on here? And who is this handful of people connected to all these companies and the business of treating “[[Maladie de Lyme chronique|chronic Lyme disease]]?”
I haven’t a clue. It’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside a single address in Florida. I think it would take some financial reporter a good deal of time and effort to find out who’s who and what’s what down there.
I haven’t a clue. It’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside a single address in Florida. I think it would take some financial reporter a good deal of time and effort to find out who’s who and what’s what down there.
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