Andreas Moritz

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Andreas Moritz (born 1954) is a book-author, iridologist, vaccination-opponent and inventor of pseudomedical methods.He was born in Germany, and lives since 1998 in Greer (South Carolina - USA).

In his books and his own websites in the internet Moritz propagates strange and pseudoscientific opinions about cancer and his liver cleansing-method (liver cleasing according to Moritz).

In his own descriptions he sees himself as a medical intuitive, practitioner of Ayurveda, Iridology, Shiatsu and Vibrational Medicine and is using the title doctor of Ayurveda[1]. Moritz tells his website-readers that he was in the past teacher for meditation and that he was interested in Ayurveda when he was in New Zealand and India.

He is not only the inventor of a liver-cleansing method, but also of a "Ener-Chi Art" (Ener-Chi Wellness Center, LLC) claiming that the contemplation of a particular oil-painting would have healing effects. His "Sacred Santèmony – Divine Chanting" - methods is claimed to "delete" interfering "Akasha-chronicle entries" by using "healing sounds".

Andreas Moritz and cancer

Cancer is not a disease
Widom of cancer cells

In his book Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism Moritz describes cancer as but one of the many ways the body tries to change the way you see and treat yourself. And he adds: as you are about to find out, cancer is on our side, not against us. 95% of all cancer-case would heal spontanously, if no medical treatment would interfere such a self-healing process. Similar convictions are known from the German quack and former physician (now barred) Ryke Geerd Hamer, the inventor of Germanic New Medicine and also from followers of metamedicine and biologie totale of french Georges Sabbah.

According to Moritz, cancer had always been an extremely rare illness, except in industrialized nations during the past 40-50 years. Here, he ignores the fact, that cancer is a disease affecting mostly elderly people. Progress in medicine let to an increase in life expectancy. Together with progress in cancer detection, the increase of life expectancy led to an increase of cancer incidence. Lesser cases of infectious diseases and lesser cases of death because of accidents led to an increase in the percentage of cancer as the cause of death.

Moritz sees the origins of cancer in constant conflicts, guilt and shame, as they would paralyse basic functions of the body, and lead to the growth of a cancerous tumour. Elimination of these alleged cancer-inducing factors would lead to a complete healing of cancer, says Moritz. Therapies used in scientific medicine (operation, radiation therapy or chemotherapy) would lead in only 7% of the cases to healing, and only a few patients would survive that form of healing. According to Moritz, more people would die because of therapy-efforts than due to their disease. These strange allegations without any proof are not backed by scientific literature and contradict solid scientific evidences of modern medicine.

Moritz believes instead in alleged statements of a Dr. Hardin Jones (University of California, see below), who is cited Den Patienten geht es genauso gut, oder noch besser, wenn Sie nicht behandelt werden.. aka Patients are as well or even better without treatment...

He also believes in the concept of a cancer prone personality, obsolete and dated theories of psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich, Hans Eysenck, Ronald Grossarth-Maticek, Lydia Temoshok (typus C) and Hürny and Adler (1991). He confounds personality traits and consequences of cancer (for instance depression as a consequence of a severe disease).

"liver cleansing" according to Andreas Moritz

Moritz is the inventor of a pseudomedical method called "liver cleansing" according to Andreas Moritz. Moritz believes that the majority of all adults in the industrialized world (and especially subjects affected by heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer or MS) would carry hundreds or thousands of gall bladder stones, blocking liver function. A so called "liver cleansing" (an almost identical method is known from the American quack Hulda Clark) would "flush" gall bladder stones.

The patient must drink one litre of apple juice every day for six days and then take magnesiumsulfate and 1/8 litre olive oil and grapefruit juice or lemon juice. These substances will build up in the gut soft lumps looking like gall stones, that will end in the toilet and convince the patient that he has successfully eliminated his gall stones. In fact, as scientific evidence shows, in these cases no gall stone will be excreted.[2][3][4]

Hardin Jones, Jones H.B. and cancer therapy

On many webpages linked to alternative medicine, allegations and speculations can be found, stating that a conventional cancer therapy would harm cancer patients more than a non-treatment. On webpages in english an American physiologist named Hardin Jones is often presented as "a prominent cancer researcher" of the University of California (Berkeley). A citation often presented is the following: My studies have proved conclusively that cancer patients who refuse chemotherapy and radiation actually live up to four times longer than treated cases.

This citation is then assigned to a conference paper of the year 1969[5]. But in this text the citation of Hardin can not be found, see that document here: [6]

But what did Hardin say actually ? Hardin was never active as clinical oncologist[7]. He worked a statistician and worked for the former "Atomic Energy Commission" in Berkeley.

Citations of Hardin are linked to a presentation in 1956[8], that's more than 50 years ago, when chemotherapy was in a beginning and early state. The article of 1956 contains statistical data related to treated and untreated female patients with breast cancer. Author Jones says in this article: 'It is most likely that, in terms of life expectancy, the chance of survival is no better with than without treatment, and there is the possibility that treatment may make the survival time of cancer less (page 331). Jones cites himself articles of the year 1926 and twice of 1927. But even these very old articles (with 651, 100, 64 and 100 cases) contradict his opinion.

These studies were not modern studies with a control group. According to Jones the death-rate in case of cancer would remain constant over time (the death rate for all kinds of cancer remains nearly fixed from the moment when cancer is identified (page 314). This theory was also known as "The Hardin Jones Principle" and was cited by Linus Pauling in 1989. However, it is known today, that this simple theory is no more valid. Different cancers have their own and different curve of survival.

The description given by Jones is false, if it would be related to our times. At the end of the fifties, 25% of all breast cancer patients were still alive after 5 years. In industrialized countries of today this cipher amounts to around 80% (USA, year 2003)[9]), even considering that breast cancer is detected much earlier today.



  2. Christiaan W: Could these be gallstones? The Lancet, Volume 365, Issue 9468, Seite 1388, 16 April 2005, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)66373-8
  3. Dekkers R. Apple juice and the chemical-contact softening of gallstones. Lancet 1999 25:354, 2171.
  4. Ewald, N, Hardt, P D: Flushing stones? „Leberreinigung” und „Gallenspülungen”. DMW 36, 2009
  5. Hardin B. Jones, Ph.D. "A Report on Cancer," paper delivered to the ACS's 11th Annual Science Writers Conference, New Orleans, march 7 1969
  6. Hardin Jones: "A Report on Cancer" 11th Annual Science Writers Conference, New Orleans, march 7, 1969
  8. Jones H. B. Demographic consideration of the cancer problem. Transactions, New York Academy of Science, 1956, series 2, v. 18, pages 298 - 333, PMID: 13312067
  9. Jemal A, Thomas A, Murray T, Thun M. Cancer statistics, 2002. CA Cancer J Clin. 2002: 23-47 Also: Weir HK, Thun MJ, Hankey BF, Ries LA, Howe HL, Wingo PA, Jemal A, Ward E, Anderson RN, Edwards BK Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2000, featuring the uses of surveillance data for cancer prevention and control. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2003 Sep 3;95(17):1276-99