Lee Carroll

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Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll is a US newager and author who has been appearing as channel-medium for the spiritual being Kryon since 1992. After his exam in business economics at the California Western University in the 1950ies, Carroll founded a company for audiotechnics which he managed for 30 years.

During the following years Carroll authored esoteric literature. Since 1997, his books have been published in small esoterically minded publishing houses like Ostergaard Verlag, which brought out the Kryon textbook serial[1], Koha Verlag [2], but also with Ullstein. In 1991 Carroll, together with US-citizen Jan Tober, ceated so-called Kryon-Lightgroups. Meanwhile both do events all over the world.


Lee Carroll during channeling

The esoteric scene views Carroll as the creator of Kryon channelings. Sabine Sangitar Wenig, the foundress of Kryon school, claimed in an interview that US-newager Frank Alper (1930-2007) [1] was the first medium for Kryon and had initiated both her and Carroll into Kryon-Channeling. There is, however, no further evidence for this statement.

Kyron became an international term in esoteric circles through Carroll's books. He distributes his Kryon channelings through books, CDs, and videos (see also YouTube), holds seminars all over the world, and makes regular appearances on larger esoteric events and, in German speaking regions, participats in the congresses of Hamburg based Buchhandlung Wrage. He is considered number one among protagonists of the Kryon cult, but acts in a jovial way towards other Kryon enunciators, although he actually excluded other Kryon mediums for Germany[3]. His performances at events are typical American stage shows. While channeling, he keeps flailing his arms as if he meant to shovel in cosmic energies.

During his channelings, human DNA is his favourite issue. However, this is not about scientific genetic research, but about changes in genetic material through supernatural cosmic energies which are supposed to take the entire planet earth onto a higher level of consciousness, respectively transform it to a higher dimension. The „advancement“ of humankind into a kind of superhuman beings in a new era is to be seen as the target. This happens to be a prevalent pattern in the esoteric and New Age movements in order to explain the world and interprete the future in their own way.

In connection to the belief in reincarnation and karma, the channelings of Lee Carroll result in some dubious interpretations. Carroll e.g. explains the sexual murder of a child in a special way in one of his texts. See "Die kleine Sally – eine Geschichte, die schwierig zu erzählen und zu verstehen ist" on page 8[2]. Imagine someone is being tried for murder and explains to judge and jury they had agreed a contract with the victim in a former life, in which they committed themselves to torture and kill the other person, and the contract simply had to be fulfilled. Such views reveal a dangerous irrationality in esotericism.

Indigo and Crystal Children

Carroll and Tober gained attention within esoteric circles for their concept of indigo children set up in 1999. These children are said to be recognized by their blue aura. This term describes children with alleged special medial and spiritual abilities whose numbers allegedly have increased since the 1970ies. The invention of the crystal children also is said to go back to Lee Carroll. The concept of indigo and crystal children meanwhile is spread by many authors and providers on the esoteric and psychic market. Jan Udo Holey alias Jan van Helsing also took up the issue.[4]

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