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==Who is Karma Singh?==
Who is Karma Singh?
Just like Groucho Marx, I was born at a very early age; some decades later than he - I am, in fact, a 1949 vintage (suave, charmingly fruity with a hint of sageness).
There are also other similarities between us; both of us saw that humanity as a whole has but one principle ill - banking. Groucho showed this very clearly in many of his stage performances and films by exaggerating what was going on to the point of ridiculousness. Unfortunately, many failed to understand what he was trying to tell them and, so, just let things proceed to a second World War and the present exertions of the bankers to force a war between Russia and the USA. Similarly, George Carlin and others have also made plain with their comedy just what needs to be changed but, although many listened, unless you actually DO something, then the banker’s plan for World War Three will come to fruition.
I, and others, have chosen a different task; that of showing exactly HOW to change things and what the advantages for you personally are.
My journey began in the 1960’s at a time when many articles appeared in the newspapers in England concerning the question of healing; is it real, is it true or is it just a way of extracting money from the hopelessly ill? There were many stories of people who had received death sentences from the medical profession, had then turned to healers and regained complete health. When the doctors of medicine were asked to comment upon these “miracles”, they replied that not healing but “spontaneous remission” had taken place. Asked what the difference between healing and spontaneous remission is and how they could determine this, the doctors gave one of two replies:
The most common reply was ………………………. (nothing - the question was simply ignored.)
The second answer was, “You are not a doctor; you wouldn’t understand.”
Not being satisfied by either answer, I set out (as a schoolboy) to find out for myself.
I was privileged to be allowed to observe many healers at work and was able to rapidly determine that healing is real; that it does work.
The next question which I asked myself was then, “what is special about these people who can do it?” Although it took quite some time and I was at university before I found the answer, I can now reveal to you that the answer is: “nothing at all!!”
“Well. If that is so,“ I said to myself, “how can I do it?”
Finding answers, of which there are many, to this question took the longest continuous effort. For almost 15 years, researching this was my hobby and then, in 1985, my life was turned up-side-down (or maybe finally right-side-up) and my hobby became my profession. In 1987 I became a travelling healer and have been more or less constantly on the road since then.
In September 2014, in a well-hidden location in Hampshire, England, I was invited to join the ranks of the Merlins. Now, Merlin is not a name; it is a title. It means learned, a scholar, master healer, trustworthy and wise. In the old Celtic tradition, a boy would be taken up in the school of healers between 9 and 12 years of age. There he would learn the basics of his profession for the next 12 years following which he would be set upon the road as a bard.
To denigrate a bard as a wandering minstrel is pure catholic propaganda. Although the bards do sing and teach music, this is but a small part of their duties.
The bards’ principle task is to hold society together by maintaining a common language and common cultural beliefs. As a skilled healer, his services in this area are greatly needed. His training makes him also a good councillor who is relied upon to give good, impartial advice and resolver of disputes.
After a minimum of 21 years constant travelling, the best of the bards would be taken into the ranks of the Merlins. Our task is to teach, to advise and, even more importantly, to research to find solutions to new problems.
It was only after I was asked to join the Merlins that I remembered all of this.
2.11.1949 - 16. Okt. 2021
2.11.1949 - 16. Okt. 2021

