
Zeile 68: Zeile 68:  
==Reaktion der Georgischen Regierung==
==Reaktionen der Georgischen Regierung==
Der Direktor des georgischen nationalen Zentrums für Krankheitsprävention und öffentliche Gesundheit, dem das Lugar Center untersteht, Amiran Gamkrelidze, bezeichnete die Anschuldigungen als "Lüge" und "politisch motiviert". Eine Gefahr ginge von der Einrichtung aus.<ref>https://www.polygraph.info/a/is-a-secret-us-lab-in-georgia-spreading-deadly-pathogens/28825452.html</ref>
==Reaktion der US-Regierung==
==Reaktion der US-Regierung==
Die amerikanische Botschaft in Georgien wies am 6. Oktober 2018 die oben genannten Behauptungen als "Unsinn" und russische Desinformation (''misinformation'') im Rahmen einer Propagandakampagne zurück, und verwies auf eine im November 2018 stattfindende Überprüfung der Einrichtung hin, an der Deutschland beteiligt sei und Russland nicht teilnehmen wolle.<ref>Zitat US-Botschaft: ''Statement on Lugar Center (October 6)<br>We’ve seen those reports in Russian media.  They’re nonsense and typical of Russian misinformation and propaganda campaigns. I note that Georgia, with German support, has organized an international “peer review compliance exercise” of the Lugar Center to be conducted in November. The Russians have declined to participate. For further inquiries into the Lugar Center’s actual mission or more information on the “peer review compliance exercise”, I would refer you to the Richard Lugar Center for Public Health Research in Tbilisi; I’m sure they would be happy to discuss the good work they do there.<br>By U.S. Embassy Tbilisi | 6 October, 2018''<br>Quelle: [https://ge.usembassy.gov/statement-on-lugar-center/]</ref> In einer anderen Mitteilung erklärte die US-Botschaft auch, dass es keine klinischen Erprobungen am Lugar Center geben habe. Behandlungen der Hepatitis C seien von amerikanischen und europäischen Gesundheitsaufsichtsbehörden genehmigt worden.<ref>''"Lugar Center’s mission is to contribute to the protection of citizens from biological threats, promote public and animal health through infectious disease detection, epidemiological surveillance and research for the benefit of Georgia, the Caucasus region and the global community. No clinical trials have ever been held at the Lugar Center. The medications used in Georgia to treat and cure hepatitis C have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, as well as the European Medicines Agency, for the treatment of hepatitis C infection in humans, and they do not need any additional testing. These certificates of approval are recognized by markets both in Georgia and around the world. The role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at the Lugar Center is to provide technical assistance in the areas of public health laboratory capacity building and quality assurance. The CDC’s role within the Hepatitis C Elimination Program in Georgia is to provide technical support to the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs for data analysis to monitor progress towards HCV Elimination"<br>Christopher A. Davenport, Press and Information Attaché at the U.S. Embassy Tbilisi''<br>Veröffentlichung einer Mitteilung an Polygraph.info</ref>
Die amerikanische Botschaft in Georgien wies am 6. Oktober 2018 die oben genannten Behauptungen als "Unsinn" und russische Desinformation (''misinformation'') im Rahmen einer Propagandakampagne zurück, und verwies auf eine im November 2018 stattfindende Überprüfung der Einrichtung hin, an der Deutschland beteiligt sei und Russland nicht teilnehmen wolle.<ref>Zitat US-Botschaft: ''Statement on Lugar Center (October 6)<br>We’ve seen those reports in Russian media.  They’re nonsense and typical of Russian misinformation and propaganda campaigns. I note that Georgia, with German support, has organized an international “peer review compliance exercise” of the Lugar Center to be conducted in November. The Russians have declined to participate. For further inquiries into the Lugar Center’s actual mission or more information on the “peer review compliance exercise”, I would refer you to the Richard Lugar Center for Public Health Research in Tbilisi; I’m sure they would be happy to discuss the good work they do there.<br>By U.S. Embassy Tbilisi | 6 October, 2018''<br>Quelle: [https://ge.usembassy.gov/statement-on-lugar-center/]</ref> In einer anderen Mitteilung erklärte die US-Botschaft auch, dass es keine klinischen Erprobungen am Lugar Center geben habe. Behandlungen der Hepatitis C seien von amerikanischen und europäischen Gesundheitsaufsichtsbehörden genehmigt worden.<ref>''"Lugar Center’s mission is to contribute to the protection of citizens from biological threats, promote public and animal health through infectious disease detection, epidemiological surveillance and research for the benefit of Georgia, the Caucasus region and the global community. No clinical trials have ever been held at the Lugar Center. The medications used in Georgia to treat and cure hepatitis C have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, as well as the European Medicines Agency, for the treatment of hepatitis C infection in humans, and they do not need any additional testing. These certificates of approval are recognized by markets both in Georgia and around the world. The role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at the Lugar Center is to provide technical assistance in the areas of public health laboratory capacity building and quality assurance. The CDC’s role within the Hepatitis C Elimination Program in Georgia is to provide technical support to the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs for data analysis to monitor progress towards HCV Elimination"<br>Christopher A. Davenport, Press and Information Attaché at the U.S. Embassy Tbilisi''<br>Veröffentlichung einer Mitteilung an Polygraph.info</ref>
