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2 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  14:38, 1. Okt. 2017
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Zeile 37: Zeile 37:  
:''..„Ich möchte darauf aufmerksam machen, dass die Körperteile, die auf dem Pflaster lagen, am Tag von einer nassen Aureole umwölkt wurden. Das war kein Blut. Vielleicht war das Fett, eine Flüssigkeit, alles mögliche, aber kein Blut. In der Nacht leuchteten diese Körperteile, diese Stellen, bei der Aufnahme grün. Auf dem Bild war deutlich ein Grün zu erkennen wie Schlick an der Wasseroberfläche..“'' Dann behauptet die Zeugin dass es ihr gelungen sei Fotos von gefundenen Handys, Fotoapparaten und Tabletcomputern der Toten sichtbar zu machen. Dabei hätte sie keine Bilder aus dem Jahr 2014 gefunden.  
:''..„Ich möchte darauf aufmerksam machen, dass die Körperteile, die auf dem Pflaster lagen, am Tag von einer nassen Aureole umwölkt wurden. Das war kein Blut. Vielleicht war das Fett, eine Flüssigkeit, alles mögliche, aber kein Blut. In der Nacht leuchteten diese Körperteile, diese Stellen, bei der Aufnahme grün. Auf dem Bild war deutlich ein Grün zu erkennen wie Schlick an der Wasseroberfläche..“'' Dann behauptet die Zeugin dass es ihr gelungen sei Fotos von gefundenen Handys, Fotoapparaten und Tabletcomputern der Toten sichtbar zu machen. Dabei hätte sie keine Bilder aus dem Jahr 2014 gefunden.  
Quellen die das Video auf anderen Webseiten verlinkten (sol-war.ru), bezeichneten die Frau als ''independent journalist Alena Kochkina''.<ref>http://sol-war.ru/ukraine-news.html#000365</ref> Ihre Aussage in englischer Übersetzung:<ref>''Below, I have translated the main points of the commentary by the independent journalist Alena Kochkina, who was at the site of the MH17 crash 20 minutes after the event and who took the pictures in above video.  
Quellen die das Video auf anderen Webseiten verlinkten (sol-war.ru), bezeichneten die Frau als ''independent journalist Alena Kochkina''.<ref>http://sol-war.ru/ukraine-news.html#000365</ref> Ihre Aussage in englischer Übersetzung:<ref>''Below, I have translated the main points of the commentary by the independent journalist Alena Kochkina, who was at the site of the MH17 crash 20 minutes after the event and who took the pictures in above video.  
Translation of the main points:  
Translation of the main points:<br>“These body parts, there was some kind of liquid coming out of them as shown – not blood. This is what it looked like by day; by night the liquid around bodies looked strangely green. Very little, or no blood. The bodies looked like they were stored somewhere. There was an odd concentration of bodies, seemed like they were concentrated in 2 parts of the plane. It was impossible to stand by one of the plane parts – the smell of chemicals was overwhelming, as if in a morgue. Body parts didn’t look like they came from living people. There were birds that got hit and died. I took their pictures – by contrast, their bodies looked like they were those of living things, a very different look compared to the human bodies. Again and again, stressing that there was no blood and people didn’t seem like they were just recently alive.<br>Most passengers seemed of Asian look, so it is unclear how so many could have been Dutch. Only 20 bodies had clothes on, the rest were stark naked. Even though it can be that their clothes got blown off during the fall, but wouldn’t at least something like a sock, or a trace of a belt on their waste, be left? Only 7 were children, not half the plane as the West was saying.<br>It was curious that so many passports were left absolutely intact, with no traces of any damage. Another curious thing was that passports were also concentrated in one or two spots. (As was noted by other analysts, many Dutch and other passports collected from the plane had round holes, which is how inactive passports past their expiration date are marked in the US/EU – LR).<br>Electronics: mobile phones, notebooks were collected. We looked especially for dates. All private photos we found in victims’ phones were from 2013. None from 2014.”''</ref>
“These body parts, there was some kind of liquid coming out of them as shown – not blood. This is what it looked like by day; by night the liquid around bodies looked strangely green. Very little, or no blood. The bodies looked like they were stored somewhere. There was an odd concentration of bodies, seemed like they were concentrated in 2 parts of the plane. It was impossible to stand by one of the plane parts – the smell of chemicals was overwhelming, as if in a morgue. Body parts didn’t look like they came from living people. There were birds that got hit and died. I took their pictures – by contrast, their bodies looked like they were those of living things, a very different look compared to the human bodies. Again and again, stressing that there was no blood and people didn’t seem like they were just recently alive.<br>Most passengers seemed of Asian look, so it is unclear how so many could have been Dutch. Only 20 bodies had clothes on, the rest were stark naked. Even though it can be that their clothes got blown off during the fall, but wouldn’t at least something like a sock, or a trace of a belt on their waste, be left? Only 7 were children, not half the plane as the West was saying.<br>It was curious that so many passports were left absolutely intact, with no traces of any damage. Another curious thing was that passports were also concentrated in one or two spots. (As was noted by other analysts, many Dutch and other passports collected from the plane had round holes, which is how inactive passports past their expiration date are marked in the US/EU – LR).<br>Electronics: mobile phones, notebooks were collected. We looked especially for dates. All private photos we found in victims’ phones were from 2013. None from 2014.”''</ref>
Verschwörungstheorie-Erfinder Stelkow ist zuvor bereits Autor bei ANNA News gewesen, ein Kontakt bestand bereits zum Herausgeber Marat Musin. Strelkow hatte in der Vergangenheit die fake news verbreitet, ukrainische Soldaten hätten ein Kind vor den Augen der Mutter gekreuzigt. Die Geschichte wurde im russischen Fernsehen verbreitet und führte zu einem Skandal als sich herausstellte, dass sie falsch war.<ref>https://themoscowtimes.com/news/state-run-news-station-accused-of-making-up-child-crucifixion-37289</ref> Der deutsche Aktivist Mirko Möbius (alias Mark Bartalamai, bekannt über [[RT]]-Interview) verbreitete diese erfundene Geschichte in Deutschland weiter. Der britische The Guardian bezeichnete Girkin als einen der Verantwortlichen für den Abschuss.<ref>https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/three-pro-russia-rebel-leaders-suspects-over-downed-mh17</ref>  
Verschwörungstheorie-Erfinder Stelkow ist zuvor bereits Autor bei ANNA News gewesen, ein Kontakt bestand bereits zum Herausgeber Marat Musin. Strelkow hatte in der Vergangenheit die fake news verbreitet, ukrainische Soldaten hätten ein Kind vor den Augen der Mutter gekreuzigt. Die Geschichte wurde im russischen Fernsehen verbreitet und führte zu einem Skandal als sich herausstellte, dass sie falsch war.<ref>https://themoscowtimes.com/news/state-run-news-station-accused-of-making-up-child-crucifixion-37289</ref> Der deutsche Aktivist Mirko Möbius (alias Mark Bartalamai, bekannt über [[RT]]-Interview) verbreitete diese erfundene Geschichte in Deutschland weiter. Der britische The Guardian bezeichnete Girkin als einen der Verantwortlichen für den Abschuss.<ref>https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/three-pro-russia-rebel-leaders-suspects-over-downed-mh17</ref>  

