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Zeile 160: Zeile 160:  
* Alcabes P, Munoz A, Vlahov D, Friedland GH. Incubation period of human immunodeficiency virus. Epidemiol Rev 15, 303-318, 1993a
* Alcabes P, Munoz A, Vlahov D, Friedland GH. Incubation period of human immunodeficiency virus. Epidemiol Rev 15, 303-318, 1993a
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* Alcabes P, Schoenbaum EE, Klein RS. Correlates of the rate of decline of CD4+ lymphocytes among injection drug users infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. Am J Epidemiol 137, 989-1000, 1993b
Zeile 301: Zeile 300:  
* Zagury D, Bernard J, Leibowitch J, Safai B: HTLV-III in cells cultured from semen of two patients with AIDS. Science, 226, 449-451, 1984
* Zagury D, Bernard J, Leibowitch J, Safai B: HTLV-III in cells cultured from semen of two patients with AIDS. Science, 226, 449-451, 1984
* Zakowski P, Fligiel S, Berlin GW, Johnson L: Disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection in homosexual men dying of acquired immunodeficiency. JAMA, 248, 2980-2982, 1982
* Zakowski P, Fligiel S, Berlin GW, Johnson L: Disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection in homosexual men dying of acquired immunodeficiency. JAMA, 248, 2980-2982, 1982
Quelle: Paralex
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