
Zeile 60: Zeile 60:     
*Erfahrungen eines Gutachters über Impfschäden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von 1955 - 2004 von Wolfgang Ehrengut (Gebundene Ausgabe - Juli 2004)
=== Populärwissenschaftlich ===
*2004 - Ehrengut, W.: Erfahrungen eines Gutachters über Impfschäden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von 1955 - 2004, Books on Demand 2004. ISBN-13: 9783833410918.
*2000 - Kapitel "Impfschäden in Rauschelbach, Jochheim, Widder: "Das neurologische Gutachten", Thieme Stuttgart 2000. ISBN-13: 978-3136598047.
*1989 - Ehrengut, W.: "Infektionen bei Schwangeren und ihren Neugeborenen", Enke Stuttgart 1989. ISBN-13: 978-3432941813.
*1982 - Ehrengut, W.: "Impfschutz für Auslandsreisende", Schattauer Stuttgart 1982. ISBN-13: 978-3794503322.
*1968 - Ehrengut, W.: "Allergie- und Immunitätslage nach Vaccinia- und Variolainfektion", Enke Stuttgart 1968.
*1964 - Ehrengut, W.: "Impffibel", Schattauer Stuttgart 1964.
=== Fachwissenschaftlich ===
*Kapitel "Impfschäden in "Das neurologische Gutachten von H.-H. Rauschelbach (Thieme, Stuttgart 2000)
*Role of provocation poliomyelitis in vaccine-associated poliomyelitis, Institute of Vaccinology and Virology, Hamburg, Germany, Acta Paediatr Jpn. 1997 Dec;39(6):658-62) (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9447753?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum)
*Role of provocation poliomyelitis in vaccine-associated poliomyelitis, Institute of Vaccinology and Virology, Hamburg, Germany, Acta Paediatr Jpn. 1997 Dec;39(6):658-62) (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9447753?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum)
:''The impact of different vaccine administrations in the Federal Republic of Germany, in relation to vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) was studied. (This only means that on the basis of the temporal relation of vaccination and onset, the vaccine cannot be ruled out as possible cause). Oral polio vaccine (OPV) was given between 1963 and 1977 only and recommended simultaneously with inactivated vaccines (DT/DPT) between 1980 and 1985. In the first period 10 VAPP cases occurred among 9.96 million estimated vaccinees aged under 2 years. In the second period 6 cases of provocation poliomyelitis (PRP) were found among 2.9 million estimated OPV/DT/DPT vaccinees of the same age group. Statistically the VAPP/PRP frequencies in the two periods studied did not achieve significance.''
:''The impact of different vaccine administrations in the Federal Republic of Germany, in relation to vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) was studied. (This only means that on the basis of the temporal relation of vaccination and onset, the vaccine cannot be ruled out as possible cause). Oral polio vaccine (OPV) was given between 1963 and 1977 only and recommended simultaneously with inactivated vaccines (DT/DPT) between 1980 and 1985. In the first period 10 VAPP cases occurred among 9.96 million estimated vaccinees aged under 2 years. In the second period 6 cases of provocation poliomyelitis (PRP) were found among 2.9 million estimated OPV/DT/DPT vaccinees of the same age group. Statistically the VAPP/PRP frequencies in the two periods studied did not achieve significance.''
Zeile 91: Zeile 98:  
*Serum conversion rate following oral poliomyelitis immunization in Mali, Africa 1982, Ehrengut W, Ag. Rhaly A, Koch I, Koumaré B, Simaga SY, Diallo, D. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 1984 Jan;132(1):29-31.  
*Serum conversion rate following oral poliomyelitis immunization in Mali, Africa 1982, Ehrengut W, Ag. Rhaly A, Koch I, Koumaré B, Simaga SY, Diallo, D. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 1984 Jan;132(1):29-31.  
:''118 infants under 3 years of age were thrice orally immunised against poliomyelitis at 2 months interval. Before the vaccination 26% were triple negative and 24% triple positive. 44% had neutralising polio antibodies type 1, 53% type 2 and 52% type 3. At the end of the vaccinations 59% of the vaccinees were triple positive and only 3.4% triple negative. 82% had polio antibodies type 1, 85% antibodies type 2 and 76% antibodies type 3. At the start of the trial 54% of the vaccinees excreted enteroviruses. Only in 12% young infants had enterovirus in anal swabs and seroconverted well. In view of the prevalence of paralytic poliomyelitis in tiny babies an early oral polio immunisation in the tropics is highly recommended''.  
:''118 infants under 3 years of age were thrice orally immunised against poliomyelitis at 2 months interval. Before the vaccination 26% were triple negative and 24% triple positive. 44% had neutralising polio antibodies type 1, 53% type 2 and 52% type 3. At the end of the vaccinations 59% of the vaccinees were triple positive and only 3.4% triple negative. 82% had polio antibodies type 1, 85% antibodies type 2 and 76% antibodies type 3. At the start of the trial 54% of the vaccinees excreted enteroviruses. Only in 12% young infants had enterovirus in anal swabs and seroconverted well. In view of the prevalence of paralytic poliomyelitis in tiny babies an early oral polio immunisation in the tropics is highly recommended''.  
*Impffibel von Wolfgang Ehrengut (Gebundene Ausgabe - 1964)
*Persistenz des Vakzinevirus in Impfulzera von Wolfgang Ehrengut und W. D. Fehringer (Unbekannter Einband - 1963)  
*Persistenz des Vakzinevirus in Impfulzera von Wolfgang Ehrengut und W. D. Fehringer (Unbekannter Einband - 1963)  
*Über vakzinale Effloreszenzen im Bereich von Pockenimpfnarben nach Sabin- und Salk-Impfungen von E. Sommerfeld und Wolfgang Ehrengut (Unbekannter Einband - 1963)
*Über vakzinale Effloreszenzen im Bereich von Pockenimpfnarben nach Sabin- und Salk-Impfungen von E. Sommerfeld und Wolfgang Ehrengut (Unbekannter Einband - 1963)
