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Praktiziert werden auch Rituale gegen "Bösen Blick" und [[Schwarze Magie]], die nach SSRF-Credo offenbar eher Frauen als Männer zu betreffen scheinen. SSRF betrieb auch eine "Studie", die die Wirksamkeit verblasener Räucherstäbchenasche auf Geister zum Thema hatte.
Praktiziert werden auch Rituale gegen "Bösen Blick" und [[Schwarze Magie]], die nach SSRF-Credo offenbar eher Frauen als Männer zu betreffen scheinen. SSRF betrieb auch eine "Studie", die die Wirksamkeit verblasener Räucherstäbchenasche auf Geister zum Thema hatte.
==Punishment method (Bestrafungsmethode)==
==Punishment method (Bestrafungsmethode)==
Eingesetzt wird bei der Spiritual Science Research Foundation auch eine "punishment method" (Bestrafungsmethode), die auch "C2 Autosuggestion Technique – punishment method for personality improvement" oder "aversion technique" bezeichnet wird. Ziel sei eine "Reformierung" des Bestraften und eine Abschreckung. Geeignet sei die Bestrafungsmethode bei Zigarettenrauchern, Personen mit Halluzinationen (bis in den psychiatrischen Bereich des Verfolgungswahns), zwanghaftes Verhalten wie Waschzwang, Zweifel, "überkritisches Verhalten", Grübeln, so genannte Faulheit, Kauen auf Fingernägeln, Bettnässen und bei suizidalen Gedanken.<ref>Zitat:<br>The C2 Autosuggestion technique can be used to eliminate a wide variety of stubborn personality defects, such as being addicted to smoking or drinking, bad habits such as nail-biting, stammering, obsessive-compulsive disorder, indecisiveness, feelings of inferiority, worrying, suspiciousness and depressive thoughts. It is also useful for overcoming hallucinations (hearing strange voices, feeling the presence of someone even though no one is around), delusions, and suicidal thoughts. If there is no change in addictive behaviour like smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol; and habits like nail-biting, stammering, and bedwetting even after 8 years of age, the C2 autosuggestion technique can be used.
Eingesetzt wird bei der Spiritual Science Research Foundation im Rahmen ihrer proprietären Personality Defect Removal (PDR) Praxis eine "punishment method" (Bestrafungsmethode), die auch "C2 Autosuggestion Technique – punishment method for personality improvement" oder "aversion technique" bezeichnet wird. Ziel sei eine "Reformierung" des Bestraften und eine Abschreckung. Geeignet sei die Bestrafungsmethode bei Zigarettenrauchern, Personen mit Halluzinationen (bis in den psychiatrischen Bereich des Verfolgungswahns), zwanghaftes Verhalten wie Waschzwang, Zweifel, "überkritisches Verhalten", Grübeln, so genannte Faulheit, Kauen auf Fingernägeln, Bettnässen und bei suizidalen Gedanken.<ref>Zitat:<br>The C2 Autosuggestion technique can be used to eliminate a wide variety of stubborn personality defects, such as being addicted to smoking or drinking, bad habits such as nail-biting, stammering, obsessive-compulsive disorder, indecisiveness, feelings of inferiority, worrying, suspiciousness and depressive thoughts. It is also useful for overcoming hallucinations (hearing strange voices, feeling the presence of someone even though no one is around), delusions, and suicidal thoughts. If there is no change in addictive behaviour like smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol; and habits like nail-biting, stammering, and bedwetting even after 8 years of age, the C2 autosuggestion technique can be used.
The C2 Technique is especially useful to overcome personality defects such as addictions where the mind engages in a pleasurable or immersive experience. So, punishing the mind helps to snap out of that pleasure-seeking tendency of the mind (which is obsessive and causes harm to one). For example, if one’s mind seeks pleasure in daydreaming, then many hours can get wasted. But the pinching technique or the C2 AS helps to snap one out of daydreaming.<br>Quelle: https://www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org/spiritual-practice/steps-of-spiritual-practice/personality-defect-removal-and-improvement/c2-autosuggestion-technique-1</ref>  Explizit soll die Methode bei ungezogenen Kindern (<nowiki>''</nowiki>misbehaving child<nowiki>''</nowiki>) angewandt werden. Dazu heisst es bei SSRF:
The C2 Technique is especially useful to overcome personality defects such as addictions where the mind engages in a pleasurable or immersive experience. So, punishing the mind helps to snap out of that pleasure-seeking tendency of the mind (which is obsessive and causes harm to one). For example, if one’s mind seeks pleasure in daydreaming, then many hours can get wasted. But the pinching technique or the C2 AS helps to snap one out of daydreaming.<br>Quelle: https://www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org/spiritual-practice/steps-of-spiritual-practice/personality-defect-removal-and-improvement/c2-autosuggestion-technique-1</ref>  Explizit soll die Methode bei ungezogenen Kindern (<nowiki>''</nowiki>misbehaving child<nowiki>''</nowiki>) angewandt werden. Dazu heisst es bei SSRF:
:''The technique involves taking a specially tailored Autosuggestion, as well as a punishment at the physical or psychological level to condition the mind to dislike and eventually avoid undesirable or unacceptable actions or behaviour.<br>Any punishment is an undesirable or unpleasant outcome for an individual or group, meted out by an authority or by oneself, as a response to wrong behaviour. Punishments act as a deterrent to a particular undesirable or unacceptable action or behaviour. It helps in :<br>*Reformation – to reform an individual<br>*Deterrence – to prevent the repetition of an undesirable behaviour<br>The punishment method is used for creating an impression on the mind that a particular thought, emotion or action is wrong, and if repeated, will cause pain or suffering, and not happiness. When the mind receives a painful stimulus in response to a wrong thought, emotion or reaction, it understands that if it performs that action or has the reaction again, it will receive pain. As a result, the mind refrains from repeating it.''
:''The technique involves taking a specially tailored Autosuggestion, as well as a punishment at the physical or psychological level to condition the mind to dislike and eventually avoid undesirable or unacceptable actions or behaviour.<br>Any punishment is an undesirable or unpleasant outcome for an individual or group, meted out by an authority or by oneself, as a response to wrong behaviour. Punishments act as a deterrent to a particular undesirable or unacceptable action or behaviour. It helps in :<br>*Reformation – to reform an individual<br>*Deterrence – to prevent the repetition of an undesirable behaviour<br>The punishment method is used for creating an impression on the mind that a particular thought, emotion or action is wrong, and if repeated, will cause pain or suffering, and not happiness. When the mind receives a painful stimulus in response to a wrong thought, emotion or reaction, it understands that if it performs that action or has the reaction again, it will receive pain. As a result, the mind refrains from repeating it.''

