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Dr. Seckiner Gorgun, the great scientist who has helped hundreds of hopeless patients to regain their health has passed away on the 7th of June 2008 following a heart attack.
Seckiner Gorgun was the lead surgeon of the team transplanting the artificial hearts to the dogs at the operation room of Ankara University Medical Faculty. The dogs lived several days to weeks with the artificial hearts before being killed for autopsies.
Dr Gorgun was invited to the 3rd National Science Congress to submit the outcomes of his artificial heart project. In 1971 the preliminary report of his research project was published in the Journal Chirurgie de Tours:
Dr. Gorgun explaining the Artifical Heart Project
In 1972 Seckiner Gorgun began to work on cell cultures at the Marine Biology Laboratory in Izmir, Turkey to observe the effects of external electromagnetic manipulation according by his newly discovered Method of Gorgun.
In 1973 he obtained a grant and went to Pakistan for medical education in a British University.
In 1974 he had fine tuned his method and went to Germany to present the outcomes to Prof E. Shaumlöffel at Marburg University. There was significant regression of the tumors on mice inoculated with cancer.
The Turkish Tercuman newspaper in Germany published an article highlighting the claim of Dr. Gorgun "WE HAVE FOUND A CURE FOR CANCER".
As of 1977 Seckiner Gorgun began treating patients in Pakistan with his new technique with outstanding results. In 1978 he was graduated from the university as a Medical Doctor.
Thailand Following his graduation in 1979 Dr. Gorgun went to Thailand to continue his research on the biological effects of electromagnetic waves at the Thailand National Cancer Institute.
Late 1979 Dr Gorgun was invited to work at Ankara Numune Hospital where he had treated patients till late 1980. He provided miraculous cures to several terminal cancer patients.
I do believe that the treatment of cancer by this new procedure created by the team of Dr. Seckiner Gorgun is scientific and beneficial ."
Because of the political clashes at the hospital later Dr. Gorgun ended his work at the Numune Hospital. The results were so impressive that the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Organization -TUBITAK- was trying to locate him to continue with his promising research.
Hurriyet Article Hurriyet's article is stating that TUBITAK was trying to locate Dr Gorgun
France In 1982 Dr. Gorgun went to France to work with the renowned French Immunologist Prof. Raymond Pautrizel at the University of Bordeaux to demonstrate the effects of his treatment on Trypanosoma and Plasmodium.
Dr Gorgun did some key studies regarding the determination of the precise frequencies during his stay in Bordeux.
Dr. Gorgun with Prof. Pautrizel
In 1984 Dr Gorgun relocated to Italy where he lived for 16 years. In 1986 he initiated his therapies on cancer patients with Prof. Dr. Alberto De Renzo. They were later challenged by the Ministry of Health and the GEMM Therapy device was seized.
In 1988 the Torino Court declared that the GEMM Therapy was safe and let Dr. Gorgun to continue to work on his system. The expert designated by the court Prof Mario Maritano states in his comprehensive report that the system is not only safe but also beneficial.
Dr. Gorgun and Prof. De Renzo continued to work at the Clinic Casa di Cura Major to provide GEMM Therapy to patients with outstanding success.
Prof De Renzo's reference letter to Dr Gorgun states the following :
In 1990 Dr. Gorgun did further research to demonstrate the effects of GEMM to Prof. Hans-Joachim Schmoll of the Hannover Medical University.
In 17 April 1997 Dr. Gorgun obtained an international patent for his technology namely "Device and Process for the Modulation of the Biological Functions of Biological Structures.
In 1997 Prof Beverly Rubik, the founding director of the Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University, Philadelphia came to Italy to visit Dr. Gorgun.
The picture taken during her visit to Dr Gorgun's clinic also shows renowned Italian scientists Prof Emilio Del Giudice and Prof Giuliano Preparata who provided supporting information on GEMM Technology.
After witnessing the first hand evidence of the efficacy of the GEMM Prof Rubik invited Dr Gorgun to publish the outcomes of his research that later appeared in the Journal of Frontier Perspectives with the title "Studies on the Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter Neoplastic Cellular Culture.
Prof. Giuliano Preparata visiting Dr. Gorgun
In 1999 after an invitation from Marmara University Dr. Gorgun relocated to Turkey and began giving lectures.
Dr. Gorgun later established a clinic in Istanbul with Dr. D. Bilginer where he worked till 2005 to treat patients coming from all over the world.
In 2002 a team led by Dr. Mark J. Neveu, the President of the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine and his colleagues visited Dr. Gorgun's clinic in Istanbul.
Dr Gorgun's ex-wife at their home
Galileo Avionica Besides his works on the medical field Dr. Gorgun did considerable research on different applications of his breakthrough discovery "The Method of Gorgun" mainly in the defense and energy fields.
Dr. Gorgun was a top level scientific advisor to Italia's leading Space Satellites and Defense Electronics company Galileo Avionica, a member of Finmeccanica Group.
Collaboration with Dr. Gorgun
In 2005 Dr. Gorgun was invited by the Chair of the International Scientific Committee of the Coherence and Electromagnetic Fields in Biological Systems Prof. Jiri Pokorny to present a lecture "Treatment of Cancer with Radio Waves without any Side Effects".
Dr. Gorgun with Prof. Jiri Pokorny at the Symposium

"In conclusion, the experiment of Gorgun, besides the obvious medical interest, is an important key for the construction of the bridge between physics and biology."
Dr. Seckiner Gorgun, the great scientist who has helped hundreds of hopeless patients to regain their health has passed away on the 7th of June 2008 following a heart attack. Our prayers will be always with you.

The non-invasive GEMM Therapy is based on the breakthrough discovery of Dr Seckiner Gorgun on molecular communication.
This phenomenon has been observed and used by Dr Gorgun since the 1970s when he made his key discovery of calculating the resonant frequency of any given molecule per the "Method of Gorgun".
GEMM is based on the principle of applying the precisely determined electromagnetic fields to the target proteins at the selected resonant frequency to regulate the malfunctioning biological process in a controlled fashion.
A comprehensive description of the method and its effects on neoplastic cells is provided in Dr Gorgun's article " Studies on the Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter Neoplastic Cell Culture" appeared at the Journal of Frontier Perspectives.

Dr Seckiner Gorgun obtained an international patent from World Intellectual Property organization on the 17th of April 1997.

