Robert Eslinger

Source [1]

Robert Eslinger est le directeur du Reno Integrative Medical Center, un centre proposant des thérapies alternatives [2] contre le cancer.

Snake Oil Salesmen Hit Jackpot in Nevada

Les vendeurs d'huile de serpent ont touché le jackpot au Nevada:

Sur le site Web du Reno Integrative Medical Center, l'[[homéopathie[homéopathe]] Robert Eslinger fournit une perspective révélatrice sur les forces juridiques et politiques derrière la campagne croissante pour promouvoir le tourisme médical au Nevada:

Le Nevada continue de fournir le terrain le plus fertile pour le développement de nouvelles méthodes de traitement dans une grande variété de domaines médicaux non traditionnels. En raison d'une attitude moins restrictive et d'un climat juridique plus favorable, le Nevada est le chef de file du pays et peut-être du monde dans le nombre de praticiens de soins de santé alternatifs et intégrateurs. Ainsi, le Nevada est en train de devenir une Mecque de la guérison, attirant des patients de tout le pays. Ces réfugiés médicaux sont principalement des personnes atteintes de cancer et d'autres maladies chroniques qui souhaitent guérir et rester en bonne santé. - " Pourquoi le Nevada? " [...] [3]


Eslinger est co-auteur du livre "Defeat Cancer"[4], ses co-auteurs: Stanislaw Burzynski [5], Nicholas J. Gonzalez [6], Nina Reis de la Hufeland clinic [7], Colleen Huber [8], Juergen Winkler [9], Julian Kenyon [10], etc.


  8. [...] the official website for the Naturopathic Cancer Society and a non-profit organization in Tempe, Arizona run by naturopathic cancer “doctor” Colleen Huber, NMD and her surrogate Hazel Chandler. The organization raises money for cancer patients who desire to use, but cannot afford, expensive alternative cancer therapies such as intravenous vitamins, mistletoe injections, and special diets, which is then funneled to Huber’s clinic Nature Works Best and others.
    Huber is a naturopath who treats cancer with “natural” therapies. She makes some extraordinary claims, without the evidence to back them up. Huber and her clinic treat cancer with IV therapy and diet. Their website states:
    The intravenous nutrients are tailored specifically to each patient’s condition and chosen for their targeted, time tested, and research-documented anti-cancer, or tumor fighting effect. The nutrients we use are different for each patient, but some of nutrients used may include a combination of Vitamin-C, Sodium Bicarbonate, DMSO, in addition to many others. Before we have done a full workup we cannot know which of these nutrients may be used for your treatment, if they are used at all. These treatments are made specifically for each patient, their type and stage of malignancy and may be used exclusively or as a supplement to chemo and radiation. [...]
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