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1 764 octets ajoutés ,  5 août 2017 à 20:28
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Dr. Cowden will speak on ''Bioenergetic Tools For Wellness''. <ref></ref>
Dr. Cowden will speak on ''Bioenergetic Tools For Wellness''. <ref></ref>
== Présentation de Lee Cowden sur le site ACIM-connection basé au Panama ==
Nous y lisons:
[...]<br>Therapeutic modalities I have used.
Diagnostically, in addition to the usual allopathic history-taking, physical exam, laboratory testing and imaging procedures, I have used evaluative [[Kinésiologie|kinesiology]], Chinese pulse assessment, sclerology, iridologie|[[iridology]], Chinese tongue and fingernail evaluation, and various forms of electro-dermal screening. Recently, I have found the fully-automated, quantitative electro-dermal screening systems to be the most useful single diagnostic aid. Therapeutically, I use diet, lifestyle counseling, emotional counseling, Recall Healing, EMDR, REMAP, Thought-Field Therapy, orthomolecular nutrient therapy, herbal therapies, [[homéopathie|homeopathic therapies]], fixed-magnetic therapies, pulsed-electro-magnetic frequency therapies, oxidative therapies (ozone, IV hydrogen peroxide, etc.), color therapies, laser and other photonic therapies, sauna-therapy, colon hydrotherapy, lymphatic-drainage, modified fasting and various other detox therapies, German Neural therapy, reflexology, electro-acupressure therapy, Ki-Iki-Jyutsu therapy, and prayer (just to name those I use most often).
Health conditions with which I have had the greatest success.
I have had very good success treating non-invasively the following conditions: atherosclerotic disease, cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, all types of arthritis, chronic fatigue, [[maladie de Lyme|Lyme disease]], Autism, most cancers, type 1 and 2 diabetes, chronic sinusitis and a variety of other chronic diseases.<br>[...]<ref></ref>
== Lee Cowden discipliné 2 fois par les autorités de santé du Texas ==
== Lee Cowden discipliné 2 fois par les autorités de santé du Texas ==
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