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The World Health Organization WHO has explicitly warned 2009 of the homoeopathy as a treatment option at malaria, HIV infection, tuberculosis, influenza and diarrhoeas in the childhood.
The World Health Organization WHO has explicitly warned 2009 of the homoeopathy as a treatment option at malaria, HIV infection, tuberculosis, influenza and diarrhoeas in the childhood.
==Homoeopathic Antidots==
Supporters of the homoeopathy are afraid of apparently unwanted effects of the own therapies, particularly as too intensive first worsenings after a homoeopathic medication. But this case is also provided for by so-called homoeopathic antidotes. Therefore it would be sufficient to disable the remedy causing the first worsenings by a couple of drinks of a strong coffee or by smelling to camphors (tiger balsam, Vic-vapo rup ...). According to the so-called women's magazine "FÜR SIE" (engl. for her) mobile telephones would "impair" homoeopathic remedies in their effect. At the taking of such a remedy one should set the mobile telephone aside. The electromagnetic fields of radio alarms, computers and microwaves also can impair the effect of the remedies.
==History of the homoeopathy==
One can grant the homoeopathy thoroughly "scientific" character in the time of the development (according to definition at that time). After all, Hahnemann proceeded empirically and checked his thesis at experiments on himself. Nowadays the gain of knowledge since this time makes the theory only seem interesting from the medicine historical view. The homoeopathy cannot be regarded as a serious medical method due to the missing effectiveness proof. At Hahnemann's times neither a clinical thermometer was invented nor the knowledge of bacteria was acquired, instead the strangest attempts to explain arised (miasma for example, pathogenic steams which raise of the ground), so that one must quite regard Hahnemann's model from historical view as reasonable. From today's view after over two centuries of enormous knowledge profit one can suspect that even Hahnemann, he would still live and have today's knowledge, would mock his apologists. So the homoeopathy was already criticized intensely over 100 years ago (see links). The similarity principle of the homoeopathy does not go back on Hahnemann, there already were analogous conceivabilities (for example in England) before.
Furthermore it is remarkable that some of Hahnemanns recommendations from the Organon, such as the application of a hot terpentine to scald injuries, are not propagated broadly anymore. With injuries at which one can immediately see the success or failure of a treatment the teachings are rejected partly correctly as obsolete and unfounded. The parts of Hahemanns teachings which are also illogical and unfounded, however, are commercialized profitably at whose putting into action one can hope for the placebo effect.
==Homoeopathic doctors in Europe==
5.000 doctors shall approximately have attained a qualification as homoeopath in Germany. The net newspaper says that approximately every 40th doctor has a qualification in "homoeopathy" in Germany at the moment. According to information from the ECHAMP about 2.5% of the doctors in Germany, 8.3% in Italy and in 14% Slovakia, have a qualification in "homoeopathy". On the other hand, the quota is under 0.03% in Sweden, of almost 30.000 only ten have a homoeopathic additional training for Swedish doctors, altogether. 56.000 doctors would therefore almost Europe-wide have a qualification in "homoeopathy". The so glaringly different acceptance of the homoeopathy into two industrial nations like Germany and Sweden at a comparable health status of the German and Swede shows that the homoeopathy can be renounced without problems on the one hand apparently without a relevant effect arising on the population's health and on the other hand that the popularity of the homoeopathy is rather not associated to scientific arguments or proofs of evidence, but relies more on philosophy of lives, prejudices or traditions. Convincing scientific arguments and effectiveness proofs which would speak for the application of the homoeopathy, would also have convinced Swedish physicians.
==The business with homeopathics==
Germany and France are the most important markets for a homoeopathic and anthroposophic-homoeopathic medicine in Europe. Almost 60% of all medicines of these therapy directions produced in Europe were, sold [27] with a Europe-wide increase of 60% between 1995 and 2005 in these two countries. In Germany there was a turnover plus of 80%, in France 300%. The Europe-wide sales volume amounts to 1.7 billion euros, about 7% of all medicine available without prescription. The revenues of the production amounted to about 930 million euros, therefrom 810 million euros for medicine in 2005. Measured against the manufacturer's prices about 268 million euros of the EU sales were allotted to Germany, on France 294 million euros. According to information from the weekly periodical of "Der Spiegel" the sales volume of the homoeopathy remedies was at 400 million euros in 2009. According to information from the federal association of the pharmaceutical industry the legal health insurance companies paid 9 million euros for homoeopathic remedies. The subsequent costs are not, however, included for ineffective homoeopathic therapies here. The costs by homoeopathic first and subsequent case histories which must be usually paid by the patients are also not comparable with these costs. The market leading enterprise in Germany is the German homoeopathy union (DHU). The group with over 400 employees has developed out of the company Schwabe set up in 1961.
The most used homeopathic is Oscilococcinum C200. This remedy also is called the "20 million canard". The annual turnover for the product is 20 million dollars. The remedy is produced from duck liver, but only the liver of one single duck is used for the complete sales volume, and of this something is left: The potentization of C200 means that the ratio of liver to the solution 1 to 10 is with 400 zeros.
==Homoeopathy is financially interesting for doctors==
The payoff of "homoeopathic" benefits by doctors gets more and more attractive for these as the doctor newspaper reported already 2007. The compensation contains € 90 first case history, € 20 Repertorisation, € 20 analysis and € 45 subsequent case history. For these € 175 a set up specialist cares for 5 "conventional" patients for a whole quarter,  regardless how often these appear in the practice. In principle, as a National Health patient one can take up homoeopathic performances at such illness forms "at which a cure or alleviation has to be expected by a specifical therapeutical response of potentially still available self-healing strengths".
==Homoeopathy and controversial measles parties==
2005 became known that supporters of the homoeopathy do not decline so-called measles parties generally. Quotation of a corresponding newspaper article: Homoeopathic doctors do not decline "measles parties" generally. At tradeoff of the possible side effects of a vaccination with the risks of an illness, an infection caused consciously "is worth a consideration, at an age between about three and eight years" said the Munich paediatrician Dr. Steffen Rabe.
It is a result of the vaccinating campaigns that in comparison with in the past more babies and adults fall ill at measles outbreaks today. The risk of falling ill with complications, such as a brain fever, because of measles was, however, higher with this group of people up to ten times, Rabe said. "The increased measles illness frequency with babies is an immediate result of the vaccinating politics", so Rabe. The last decision on the participation of a child in a "measles party" always rests with parents in the opinion of the doctor.
In the case of a measles illness the paediatrician recommends the complete renunciation of fever-reducing drugs since these possibly increase the complication risk. "The patient rather needs primarily silence and rest." In many cases, the illness has to be treated well with classic homoeopathy.
==Studies on homoeopathy==
===The early studies===
Already to life times of Hahnemann his teaching was controversial and aroused lively discussions and the first tests with homeopathics proceeded negatively. Hahnemann's readings couldn't be confirmed in repetitions of his original „medicine tests“. The famous cinchona experiment the teaching is based on was a mistake: Although cinchona lowers the body temperature, Hahnemann felt fevers after the taking. Possibly an allergic reaction. The non-blinded "drug examinations" without switching off a possible placebo effect by comparison with a fake medication are not acceptable scientifically either.
===The homoeopathy studies in the time of the National Socialism===
There were further examinations to the homoeopathy in the time of the National Socialism. The regime wanted a reorientation in the health service, the "new German medicine". Moreover, the criticism of jewished orthodox medicine got pure in National Socialist circles. Drug studies were done at different homoeopathic hospitals by the Reichsgesundheitsamt (RGA) between 1936 and 1939, much of them placebo checked. Above all the reliability of earlier medicine examinations and thus also the priority of the "pharmacological picture" developing on them should be investigated. The homoeopath Hanns Rabe (1890-1959), the internist Werner Siebert (1897-1951) and the pharmacology professors Gustav Kuschinsky (1904-1992) and Richard Bonsmann belonged to the study group. At that time the doctor and homoeopath Fritz Donner (1896-1979) who was working in Berlin at the homoeopathic department of the Rudolf Virchow hospital, was involved substantially at these checks too. Extensive notes from Donner about the RGA examinations and previous studies became known as Donner report for the homoeopathy and are available today in the original in the "homoeopathy archives" of the institute for history of the medicine of the Robert Bosch foundation in Stuttgart. But nothing positive for the homoeopathy came of the government-supported examinations. Double blinded experiments were carried out with Silicea C30, for example. The result: Verum and placebo caused equal much symptoms. It was not possible for the homoeopaths present to distinguish verum and placebo. In 1938/39 clinical attempts with homeopathics were also accomplished with negative results in the Robert Koch hospital in Berlin. The homoeopath Rabe reacted with the assumption that [ ... ] homoeopathy is no pharmacotherapeutic method, as assumed till now, but a form of psychotherapy [ ... ]. Fritz Donner in a memory protocol: Truthfully one would have to answer that during the medicine examination nothing came out and that a reaction speaking for a therapeutical effect of the used medicines never has occurred in the clinical tests with a patient. Nevertheless it was announced officially that certain difficulties would have manifested themselves so that one must start newly. The war prevented however further research. Donner expressed himself more considerably later within the 1960s: He called the examination a total fiasco for the homoeopathy.
