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*:''Conclusions<br>Recent multi-center research during the outbreak indicates that male fertility might be impaired as a possible consequence of COVID-19. Hence, more attention should be paid to the effect of COVID-19 infection on the male reproductive system. So far, the clinical trials have shown that there is no defective effect of COVID-19 vaccines on male fertility potential. The lack of information regarding the effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection on male fertility represents a weakness for the present understanding of COVID-19. Therefore, we suggest that the medical community should provide assurance to the population about the safety of vaccines for male reproductive function. As COVID-19 infection has demonstrated a clear correlation to male infertility, it is suggested that men should consider preserving their fertility by cryo-preserving their spermatozoa. Vaccination is an important way to prevent the negative effects of COVID-19 on male fertility.''<ref>Soheila Pourmasumi et al, "The Effect of Long COVID-19 Infection and Vaccination on Male Fertility; A Narrative Review", Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Dec; 10(12): 1982. PMCID: PMC9783106 PMID: 36560392</ref>
*:''Conclusions<br>Recent multi-center research during the outbreak indicates that male fertility might be impaired as a possible consequence of COVID-19. Hence, more attention should be paid to the effect of COVID-19 infection on the male reproductive system. So far, the clinical trials have shown that there is no defective effect of COVID-19 vaccines on male fertility potential. The lack of information regarding the effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection on male fertility represents a weakness for the present understanding of COVID-19. Therefore, we suggest that the medical community should provide assurance to the population about the safety of vaccines for male reproductive function. As COVID-19 infection has demonstrated a clear correlation to male infertility, it is suggested that men should consider preserving their fertility by cryo-preserving their spermatozoa. Vaccination is an important way to prevent the negative effects of COVID-19 on male fertility.''<ref>Soheila Pourmasumi et al, "The Effect of Long COVID-19 Infection and Vaccination on Male Fertility; A Narrative Review", Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Dec; 10(12): 1982. PMCID: PMC9783106 PMID: 36560392</ref>
Swissmedic schreibt zum Thema:
*:''Untersuchter Zusammenhang zwischen Fruchtbarkeit und Covid-19-Impfung - 30.09.2022<br>In einigen Ländern wurden Änderungen der Geburtenrate sowohl im zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit der Pandemie als auch dem Beginn der Impfkampagne beobachtet. Swissmedic erreichten in letzter Zeit Fragen von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern sowie von Medienschaffenden zu einem möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen der Covid-19-Impfung und der Fruchtbarkeit. Aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht gibt es weder aus der publizierten Fachliteratur noch aus der weltweiten Marktüberwachung Hinweise, dass auf mRNA-Technologie basierende Impfstoffe die menschliche Fruchtbarkeit beeinträchtigen könnten. Auch aus der Schweiz hat Swissmedic dazu keine Sicherheitssignale.''<ref>https://www.swissmedic.ch/swissmedic/de/home/news/coronavirus-covid-19/untersuchter-zusammenhang-fruchtbarkeit-und-covid-19-impfung.html</ref>
Als Partner von WIR wird auch eine Dating-Agentur für "bewusste und aufgewachte Menschen" genannt. Mitgründer der Dating Agentur ist Leonard Winkler der Pure Fertility.
Als Partner von WIR wird auch eine Dating-Agentur für "bewusste und aufgewachte Menschen" genannt. Mitgründer der Dating Agentur ist Leonard Winkler der Pure Fertility.
