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5.942 Bytes entfernt ,  06:40, 20. Aug. 2014
Langes Zitat von Ken Oftedal durch Verweis auf dessen Wiki-Artikel ersetzt, wo die Sache ausführlich behandelt wird
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[[image:Mike_Adams.jpg|Mike Adams|thumb]]
[[image:Mike_Adams.jpg|Mike Adams|thumb]]
[[image:Naturalnews Ebola.jpg|Werbung für eine [[Homöopathie|homöopathische]] Therapie einer Ebola-Infektion auf Webseiten von naturalnews<ref>http://blogs.naturalnews.com/treating-ebola-homeopathy/, eingesehen August 2014</ref>. Zitat des naturalnews-Bloggers [[Ken Oftedal]]: ''..Take.."An Ebola sample: some spit or other disease product, such as blood, from a person infected with Ebola"..''<ref>Zitat<br>What to Do In Case Homeopathic Remedies are Unavailable
[[image:Naturalnews Ebola.jpg|Werbung von Kjetill "Ken" Oftedal für eine [[Homöopathie|homöopathische]] Therapie einer Ebola-Infektion auf Adams' Webseite naturalnews.com<ref name="blog10aug2014">blogs.naturalnews.com/treating-ebola-homeopathy/, eingesehen August 2014</ref> (ausführliche Darstellung siehe [[Kjetill Oftedal]])|320px|thumb]]
At present, about 50% to 90% of patients die, even with intensive hospital care. The death rate during the Spanish flu in 1918 was only 5%, but killed from 50 to 100 million people—and in an era with much less international travel to spread infection. Imagine the devastation the 50% – 90% mortality rate of Ebola could produce now. You guessed it: you would be quarantined in your home, on your own.
With any epidemic, such as Ebola, bird and swine flu, if you have no other recourse for treatment—no medical assistance available— there is a procedure for making a remedy at home that will keep you alive, although you may have a rough time of it. Vitamins, especially C, will be helpful.
You may think the following procedure—developed by the English homeopath Peter Chappell—is a crazy thing to do. But, if you or a loved one is sick with Ebola with the prospect of having one week to live, and no other help is available, you might consider it. Besides, Einstein said that if an idea didn’t seem crazy, it wasn’t worth anything.
This procedure is based on a form of therapy related to homeopathy called isopathy (curing a disease with the virulent agent of the same disease), which has proven successful for many ailments. You could check this out.
A curious and interesting use of isopathy is that, in some regions of Brazil, if a child is bitten by a snake, the mother will immediately hunt the snake down, cut its head off and apply the stump to the bite wound to cure the child.
How to Make Your Own Ebola Remedy
What you need:
1. A face mask and gloves
2. Two bottles (50 ml up to 500 ml glass or plastic bottles) with caps
3. Clean water (mineral or tap water)
4. An Ebola sample: some spit or other disease product, such as blood, from a person infected with Ebola, or who is suspected sick with it. Any small quantity will do, even a pinhead.
5. An alcoholic liquid, such as whisky, brandy, rum, etc.
6. Half an hour of your time.
1. Fill the bottle with water, leaving about 20% space at the top.
2. Place the Ebola sample in the water in the bottle.
3. Close the top of the bottle with the cap.
4. Hold the bottle and strike it hard against a solid surface, such as a large book, 40 times.
5. Pour out the contents of the bottle.
6. Refill the bottle with water (the fluid remaining on the inside surface of the bottle will serve as the next Ebola sample).
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 a total of 30 times.
1. Pour the bottle solution into another bottle—your stock bottle.
2. Add 10% by volume of the alcoholic liquid (whisky, brandy, etc.) as a preservative.
3. Store in a place away from sunlight and electronic equipment.
Using this stock bottle, you can supply the Ebola remedy to as many people you want. With one drop from the stock bottle as an Ebola sample you can produce another stock bottle to give to someone else. Instead of the original Ebola sample you used above to make the original stock bottle, you use a drop from the first stock bottle. This process can be carried out ad infinitum, supplying a whole city, etc., if needed.
Taking Your Home-Made Ebola Remedy
For prevention:
1. Place a teaspoonful of your Ebola remedy from the stock bottle into a cup filled with water.
2. Stir the water five times with a disposable spoon or stick.
3. Take a sip from the cup.
4. During the epidemic, take a sip once or twice a day, stirring five times before taking the sip.
5. Refill the cup as needed after striking the stock bottle against a hard surface five times.
If you are sick with Ebola:
1. Place a teaspoonful of the Ebola remedy from your stock bottle into a cup filled with water.
2. Stir the water five times with a disposable spoon or stick.
3. Take a sip every 15 minutes, stirring five times each time until you notice improvement, then stop.
4. On improving, you can ease off and take the remedy every hour or so, again stirring five times before taking the remedy each time.
5. Refill the cup as needed after striking the stock bottle against a hard surface five times.
Post treatment
Other problems may appear some time after being afflicted with Ebola. Among these are: testicle inflammation, joint pains, muscle pains, skin peeling, hair loss, light sensitivity, eye inflammation, even blindness.
Again, the best thing to do is find a homeopathic professional to treat you. Otherwise, the homeopathic remedy Mercurius Solubilis 200C can be useful for inflammations. You could take one pill a day for a few days and then stop.
For exhaustion you could take the remedy Carbo Vegetabilis 200C once. Arnica 200C once a day for some days will also be useful. Leave some hours between taking different homeopathic remedies.
Phosphorus 200C taken once a day for a few days can be useful for eye problems.
How to Ingest Homeopathic Remedies
There should be no taste in your mouth on taking a homeopathic remedy. Thus, you should not eat or drink anything (besides water) at least fifteen minutes before and after taking it.
This also applies to smoking. Nor should there be any strong odor, such as from perfume, incense, etc. present in the room. You can take a homeopathic remedy any time of the day or night, keeping these points in mind.
Avoid touching a pill with your fingers as your energy field can neutralize the information carried. Use the remedy container cap instead, or some other means, to throw a pill onto your tongue. Allow the remedy to dissolve on your tongue as if it were a piece of candy (actually it is in a way, since it consists of milk sugar, i.e., lactose, plus a trace of alcohol, and curative information). Liquid remedies are dripped onto the tongue.
Wait at least ten minutes before eating or drinking anything besides water. Afterwards you can eat and drink as you normally do.
'''Mike Adams''' ist ein Buchautor und Betreiber eines Internetshops aus Tucson (Arizona). Er gründete in den USA mehrere Firmen und Verlage mit angeschlossenen Webseiten, auf denen er aus laienhafter und [[pseudomedizin]]ischer Sicht zu Gesundheitsfragen Stellung nimmt und [[alternativmedizin]]ische Produkte und Therapieverfahren bewirbt.
'''Mike Adams''' ist ein Buchautor und Betreiber eines Internetshops aus Tucson (Arizona). Er gründete in den USA mehrere Firmen und Verlage mit angeschlossenen Webseiten, auf denen er aus laienhafter und [[pseudomedizin]]ischer Sicht zu Gesundheitsfragen Stellung nimmt und [[alternativmedizin]]ische Produkte und Therapieverfahren bewirbt.
Adams betreibt zur Verbreitung seiner Ansichten die Seiten "NaturalNews ", ein "The Consumer [[Wellness]] Center" und den Verlag "Truth Publishing". Adams ist Inhaber der Firma "Arial Software LLC", die eine Software namens "Email Marketing Director" vertreibt, die eine "Mass Personalized Email Marketing Software" darstellt, also für die massenhafte Verbreitung von Spam-E-Mails eingesetzt werden kann.
Zur Verbreitung seiner Ansichten betreibt Adams die Internetseiten "NaturalNews" und "The Consumer [[Wellness]] Center" und den Verlag "Truth Publishing". Er ist Inhaber der Firma "Arial Software LLC", die eine Software namens "Email Marketing Director" vertreibt, die eine "Mass Personalized Email Marketing Software" darstellt, also für die massenhafte Verbreitung von Spam-E-Mails eingesetzt werden kann.
Adams ist pauschaler Gegner der modernen Medizin und lehnt jegliche Medikamente und Arztbesuche ab. er ist Rohköstler und [[Impfgegner]] und bezeichnet sich selbst als "the Health Ranger" und "holistic nutritionist". Er ist Gegner von Nahrungsmitteln, die Zucker enthalten, gekocht oder haltbar gemacht wurden, sowie von "rotem" Fleisch, Süßstoffen, [[Glutamat]], homogenisierter Milch, Brot und "weißem" Mehl, Waschmittel von Markenherstellern, Deodorants und Shampoos sowie fluoridierter Zahnpasta. [[Scientology]] wird seiner Meinung nach unfair behandelt.<ref>[http://www.naturalnews.com/News_000534_scientology_self_defense_swords.html Crazed Swordsman Attacks Scientology Guard Who Fires Back in Self Defense], Mike Adams, Natural News 24. November 2011, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2011</ref><ref>[http://www.naturalnews.com/News_000645_John_Travolta_Scientology_Freedom_of_Religion.html Baseless Accusations against John Travolta Demonstrate Cruelty, Intolerance of Pill Pushers and Religion Bashers], Mike Adams, Natural News 5. Jänner 2011, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2011</ref> Auch [[Kalte Fusion]] und sogenannte [[Freie Energie]] werden z.B. anhand des [[Focardi-Rossi-Energiekatalysator‎]] auf seiner Website unkritisch thematisiert.<ref>[http://www.naturalnews.com/032455_cold_fusion_E-Cat.html E-Cat Cold fusion device independently validated producing 800% more energy than input], Neev M. Arnell, Natural News 19. Mai 2011, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2011</ref><ref>[http://www.naturalnews.com/026116_energy_free_population.html Free Energy Technology Could Destroy the Natural World (But It Doesn't Have To)], Mike Adams, Natural News 24. April 2011, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2011</ref>
Adams ist pauschaler Gegner der modernen Medizin und lehnt jegliche Medikamente und Arztbesuche ab. Er ist Rohköstler und [[Impfgegner]] und bezeichnet sich selbst als "the Health Ranger" und "holistic nutritionist". Er ist Gegner von Nahrungsmitteln, die Zucker enthalten, gekocht oder haltbar gemacht wurden, sowie von "rotem" Fleisch, Süßstoffen, [[Glutamat]], homogenisierter Milch, Brot und "weißem" Mehl, Waschmittel von Markenherstellern, Deodorants und Shampoos sowie fluoridierter Zahnpasta. [[Scientology]] wird seiner Meinung nach unfair behandelt.<ref>[http://www.naturalnews.com/News_000534_scientology_self_defense_swords.html Crazed Swordsman Attacks Scientology Guard Who Fires Back in Self Defense], Mike Adams, Natural News 24. November 2011, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2011</ref><ref>[http://www.naturalnews.com/News_000645_John_Travolta_Scientology_Freedom_of_Religion.html Baseless Accusations against John Travolta Demonstrate Cruelty, Intolerance of Pill Pushers and Religion Bashers], Mike Adams, Natural News 5. Jänner 2011, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2011</ref> Auch [[Kalte Fusion]] und sogenannte [[Freie Energie]] werden z.B. anhand des [[Focardi-Rossi-Energiekatalysator‎]] auf seiner Website unkritisch thematisiert.<ref>[http://www.naturalnews.com/032455_cold_fusion_E-Cat.html E-Cat Cold fusion device independently validated producing 800% more energy than input], Neev M. Arnell, Natural News 19. Mai 2011, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2011</ref><ref>[http://www.naturalnews.com/026116_energy_free_population.html Free Energy Technology Could Destroy the Natural World (But It Doesn't Have To)], Mike Adams, Natural News 24. April 2011, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2011</ref>
Beworben werden von Adams Produkte wie [[Himalayasalz]], [[Maca]], chinesische Kräuter, Mineralien, Proteinshakes und [[Spirulina]]-Produkte.
Beworben werden von Adams Produkte wie [[Himalayasalz]], [[Maca]], chinesische Kräuter, Mineralien, Proteinshakes und [[Spirulina]]-Produkte.

