:...''available scientific evidence does not support claims that faith healing can actually cure physical ailments..."Death, disability, and other unwanted outcomes have occurred when faith healing was elected instead of medical care for serious injuries or illnesses...Available scientific evidence does not support claims that faith healing can cure cancer or any other disease. Even the "miraculous" cures at the French shrine of Lourdes, after careful study by the Catholic Church, do not outnumber the historical percentage of spontaneous remissions seen among people with cancer. However, faith healing may promote peace of mind, reduce stress, relieve pain and anxiety, and strengthen the will to live.''<ref>Faith Healing. Making Treatment Decisions. American Cancer Society. Juni 2009. [http://www.cancer.org/docroot/ETO/content/ETO_5_3X_Faith_Healing.asp]</ref> | :...''available scientific evidence does not support claims that faith healing can actually cure physical ailments..."Death, disability, and other unwanted outcomes have occurred when faith healing was elected instead of medical care for serious injuries or illnesses...Available scientific evidence does not support claims that faith healing can cure cancer or any other disease. Even the "miraculous" cures at the French shrine of Lourdes, after careful study by the Catholic Church, do not outnumber the historical percentage of spontaneous remissions seen among people with cancer. However, faith healing may promote peace of mind, reduce stress, relieve pain and anxiety, and strengthen the will to live.''<ref>Faith Healing. Making Treatment Decisions. American Cancer Society. Juni 2009. [http://www.cancer.org/docroot/ETO/content/ETO_5_3X_Faith_Healing.asp]</ref> |