
Was da alles als Paket zusätzlich angeboten wird... :

Medolife Health Care Packages including Escozine™

Fourth Stage: Full Package for 3 Months Treatment (order now)

Total Health Package: $3918 for 3 months. This program includes:

   Hair Analyses (Tissue test) following results
   Tissue test for environmental toxins
   Tissue test to determine cellular mineral content
   Detailed analysis based upon individual tissue tests results
   Individualized anti-cancer diet based upon specific type of cancer and results of tissue (environmental toxin/nutrient) analysis
   Nutritional supplements and Nutraceutical
   PH test kit and PH balance kit
   Individualized detoxification program based upon specific toxicity
   Three months outreach with Medolife oncologists
   Monthly serum - Escozine™ Stage 4
ich sehe mir das morgen an. Abrax (Diskussion) 23:27, 28. Nov. 2012 (CET)

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