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Quelle: http://www.planete-homeo.org/mission-ebola/ (nur mit Password lesbar)
Quelle: http://www.planete-homeo.org/mission-ebola/ (nur mit Password lesbar)
Übersetzung ins Englische:
Protected: Mission Ebola
News 12/10/2014
Protected: Mission Ebola
The events were a little rushed, but the news finally came: I have to join a team of homeopaths Germans to Liberia where we have an official invitation of the government doctors.
L'expédition is coordinated by my friend André Saine has collected numerous documents relating to the treatment of yellow fever, including the USA, by our predecessors. In their hands the mortality fell to almost 0%.
Ebola is basically a kind of yellow fever, and as she has very many different manifestations, but its evolution is very fast, there is no second week in general.
The disease can be arbitrarily divided into four stages:
1) Chills, fever and severe headache: disease usually begins with a fever and severe headache on the first day. Then the second day extreme fatigue, generalized pain, and loss of appetite.
2) Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, agitation, prostration, ulcers of the lips, very important thirst are the major signs of the 3rd day. Dysphagia, dyspnea, and conjunctivitis are typically marked the fourth day.
3) hemorrhage. Minor bleeding can start the 3rd-4é day but major forms (melena, hematemesis) start to J5 or J7, which may end in coma and death. The most common signs of minor bleeding are seeps through any wound, gums (32% regards prognosis of gravity), the major signs such as hematemesis (56%) or bloody diarrhea (55%)
Overall the occurrence of visible bleeding are signs of a poor prognosis, except perhaps for melena and bloody stools that are sometimes noted at the beginning of the disease and occur both in survivors and non-survivors. Most non-survivors died in stuporous states, shock and tachypnea. This sign is very significant for the prognosis, since it appears likely in the hours preceding death. Hiccups are relatively frequent (15% of cases), and amazing, they seem to characterize fatal.
4) Convalescence. The long-term sequelae are deafness or tinnitus.
Invited to participate in the first team by André Saine because of my experience in the treatment of cholera in Haiti, I hope to make myself useful.
We should have arrived two days drive to bring the terrible protective clothing that will allow us to approach malades.
La thing is not even sure since we are not certain to see patients early on. Maybe he will he impediments as was initially the case in Haiti.
If we see, I hope soon arrive at the clinic to identify some typical signs that will tell us a drug epidemic examination.
I then expect very favorable results which must occur within hours. Our goal is to approach the 0% mortality obtained by our seniors.
At worst we run the risk that the disease or ridiculous, is not it? And we also have the opportunity to treat many more patients carrying equally common diseases but less "fashionable".
Testimony of a homeopathic doctor who treated hundreds of cases in 1869. The English text gives you an idea dizzying results achieved by homeopaths at the time, and still Holcombe was certainly not more than a beginner ...
My notes on the medicines we may need. From the meager clinical data at our disposal, I made a first study to allow us to identify the group of potential drugs. The hydrogénure arsenic in the lead, with snake venom (whose reputation in the yellow fever or diseases with coagulation disorders is more to do) with Lachesis and Crotalus above.
We let's not forget that this enormously Cantharis signs of the disease. But should we make at the bedside without bias and listen to the language of nature.
I apologize for the disruption of ongoing until October 31, and the schedule of appointments. Necessity knows no law, we have an ethical duty to bring relief to the poor, and to provide them if everything goes as planned and a formidable weapon against the scourge almost free.
With the experience to come we will probably treat European cases should they arise.
Finally, this is a unique opportunity to demonstrate the value of homeopathy.
We disparage course, we disagree that the cured patients were sick, but we hope to treat so many that there will be no dispute. The merchants of experimental vaccines can then get dressed.
E. B.
