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I hope you will not need to apply the information presented in this article, but if you do, it could save your life and that of a loved one. With dangerous large-scale epidemics, such as Ebola could turn out to be, the medical establishment is more often than not caught unprepared, as vaccines and/or successful treatment take time to develop and the logistics involved in distribution can be insurmountable. Therefore, you may be left to your own devices, in which case alternative self-treatment, in particular, homeopathy, would be your only hope of survival.
I hope you will not need to apply the information presented in this article, but if you do, it could save your life and that of a loved one. With dangerous large-scale epidemics, such as Ebola could turn out to be, the medical establishment is more often than not caught unprepared, as vaccines and/or successful treatment take time to develop and the logistics involved in distribution can be insurmountable. Therefore, you may be left to your own devices, in which case alternative self-treatment, in particular, homeopathy, would be your only hope of survival.
</ref> Oftedal machte den Vorschlag im Falle einer Ebolainfektion, einzig auf die Einnahme homöopathischer Mittel zu setzen. Auch machte er einen Vorschlag zur Eigenherstellung eines Mittels. Im Falle einer Ebola-Erkrankung solle der Betroffene wegen einer behaupteten Symptomähnlichkeit eines Klapperschlangenbisses sowie weiterer Bisse durch giftige Schlange potenzierte Extrakte von Schlangen einnehmen. Genannt werden von ihm die Mittel  
</ref> Im Falle einer Ebola-Erkrankung solle der Betroffene wegen einer behaupteten Symptomähnlichkeit eines Klapperschlangenbisses sowie weiterer Bisse durch giftige Schlange potenzierte Extrakte von Schlangen einnehmen. Oftedal nennt die Mittel  
*Crotalus Horridus (potenziertes Schlangift)
* Crotalus Horridus (potenziertes Schlangift)
*Lachesis (potenziertes Schlangengift)
* Lachesis (potenziertes Schlangengift)
*Bothrops (potenziertes Schlangengift)
* Bothrops (potenziertes Schlangengift)
Zur Eigenherstellung empfiehlt Oftedal explizit die Entnahme infektiöser Gewebeproben oder Blut von bereits an Ebola Erkrankten, um damit eine [[Nosode]] herzustellen. Er beschreibt die absurde Praktik dabei zur Anwendung durch medizinische Laien:
Zur Eigenherstellung empfiehlt Oftedal explizit die Entnahme infektiöser Gewebeproben oder Blut von bereits an Ebola Erkrankten, um damit eine [[Nosode]] herzustellen. Er beschreibt die absurde Praktik dabei zur Anwendung durch medizinische Laien:
:''How to Make Your Own Ebola Remedy<br>What you need:<br>1. A face mask and gloves<br>2. Two bottles (50 ml up to 500 ml glass or plastic bottles) with caps<br>3. Clean water (mineral or tap water)<br>'''4. An Ebola sample: some spit or other disease product, such as blood, from a person infected with Ebola, or who is suspected sick with it. Any small quantity will do, even a pinhead.'''<br>5. An alcoholic liquid, such as whisky, brandy, rum, etc.<br>6. Half an hour of your time.<br><br>Procedure:<br>1. Fill the bottle with water, leaving about 20% space at the top.<br>2. Place the Ebola sample in the water in the bottle.<br>3. Close the top of the bottle with the cap.<br>4. Hold the bottle and strike it hard against a solid surface, such as a large book, 40 times.<br>5. Pour out the contents of the bottle.<br>6. Refill the bottle with water (the fluid remaining on the inside surface of the bottle will serve as the next Ebola sample).<br>7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 a total of 30 times.<br><br>If you are sick with Ebola:<br>1. Place a teaspoonful of the Ebola remedy from your stock bottle into a cup filled with water.<br>2. Stir the water five times with a disposable spoon or stick.<br>3. Take a sip every 15 minutes, stirring five times each time until you notice improvement, then stop.<br>4. On improving, you can ease off and take the remedy every hour or so, again stirring five times before taking the remedy each time.<br>5. Refill the cup as needed after striking the stock bottle against a hard surface five times.
Die "New York Daily News"<ref>BY MEREDITH ENGEL NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, August 11, 2014, 2:33 PM, Website claims to treat Ebola with natural remedy, NaturalNews.com writer Kent Oftedal says all you need is a few ingredients to treat the deadly disease. The blog post has since been taken down. [http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/website-claims-treat-ebola-natural-remedy-article-1.1899587]</ref> und mehrere Medizinblogs<ref>http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/tag/ken-oftedal/</ref> berichteten kurz nach Erscheinen des Blogartikels von Oftedal über die Therapieempfehlung. Daraufhin wurde Oftedals Blogartikel bei naturalnews gelöscht.
:''How to Make Your Own Ebola Remedy''
:''What you need:''
:''1. A face mask and gloves''
:''2. Two bottles (50 ml up to 500 ml glass or plastic bottles) with caps''
:''3. Clean water (mineral or tap water)''
:'''''4. An Ebola sample: some spit or other disease product, such as blood, from a person infected with Ebola, or who is suspected sick with it. Any small quantity will do, even a pinhead.'''''
:''5. An alcoholic liquid, such as whisky, brandy, rum, etc.''
:''6. Half an hour of your time.''
:''1. Fill the bottle with water, leaving about 20% space at the top.''
:''2. Place the Ebola sample in the water in the bottle.''
:''3. Close the top of the bottle with the cap.''
:''4. Hold the bottle and strike it hard against a solid surface, such as a large book, 40 times.''
:''5. Pour out the contents of the bottle.<br>6. Refill the bottle with water (the fluid remaining on the inside surface of the bottle will serve as the next Ebola sample).''
:''7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 a total of 30 times.
:''If you are sick with Ebola:''
:''1. Place a teaspoonful of the Ebola remedy from your stock bottle into a cup filled with water.''
:''2. Stir the water five times with a disposable spoon or stick.<br>3. Take a sip every 15 minutes, stirring five times each time until you notice improvement, then stop.''
:4. ''On improving, you can ease off and take the remedy every hour or so, again stirring five times before taking the remedy each time.''
:5. ''Refill the cup as needed after striking the stock bottle against a hard surface five times.''
Die New Yorker Zeitung Daily News<ref>[http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/website-claims-treat-ebola-natural-remedy-article-1.1899587 Meredith Engel: Website claims to treat Ebola with natural remedy. NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, Monday, August 11, 2014]</ref> und mehrere Medizinblogs<ref>http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/tag/ken-oftedal/</ref> berichteten kurz nach Erscheinen des Blogartikels von Oftedal über die Therapieempfehlung. Daraufhin wurde Oftedals Artikel bei naturalnews gelöscht.

