Article is in translation and unfinished

A Water-fuelled car is according to supporters of free energy a hypothetical car that works with just water as fuel. There are no serious reports known of a successful water-fuelled car concept. A water-fuelled car must not be confused with hydrogen vehicles, which carry tanks of hydrogen to burn it with oxygen as fuel.

Alleged functional principle

All water-fuelled car models that were thematised so far "work" on the same principle: Carried along water is split by electrolysis into hydrogen and oxygen under energy consumption and a normal internal combustion engine is then run with oxyhydrogen. The necessary electrical energy to create the oxyhydrogen with a small electrolysis cell is taken from the alternator and/or a car battery. Such a construction can work for some time – till the car battery is empty and all oxyhydrogen is used up.

Since the electrical energy taken from the alternator would have to surpass the engine output, the missing energy to keep the engine running for a long time has to be supplied by scientifically unknown esoteric hypothesis. Space Energy and Neutrinos (Neutrinolysis) are under discussion in supporting circles of water-fuelled cars.

Refitting kits for regular engines

Refitting kit
Elektrolysis of the company FISS

Shady profiteers sell refitting kits (e.g. at eBay) which should make it possible to convert a car with a regular combustion engine to a water-fuelled car. To allow electrolysis a chemical agent, e.g. baking powder, is added.

The company Fiss-Management from Erfurt, Germany (damaged reputation because of a warning of the Federal Agency for Financial Market Supervision and of a Test-journal and probably a one-man-show) offers a on-board-electrolysis cell for passenger cars (2,260 €) and trucks (9,520 €). See also: Spritsparkarte

Power efficiency of on-board electrolysis

The efficiency of an alternator is usually clearly lower than the efficiency of optimized generators, moreover alternators have to provide electrical output at various and an often unfavourable rotational speed. The efficiency lies in a range of 50 to 62 percent.[1] Optimal electrolysis at room temperature (platinum electrodes and optimal potential but not more than 14V) has a maximal efficiency of ≈60%. Appliance of special high temperature electrolysis at about 800 degrees allows to reach up to 98% efficiency. For simple electrolysis cells, which are sold as extensions, it is about 30%. The efficiency of creating hydrogen with gasoline as fuel is therefore approximately 8%-20%. Using oxyhydrogen as fuel(Brown's Gas) for the engine does not give 100% either but is similar to the efficiency of using gasoline. Otto-motors reach only a power efficiency of about 30-40%. Moreover problems arise due to a higher combustion temperature of hydrogen and connected to it a higher emission of nitric oxides.[2].

The higher temperature also causes higher abrasion of the engine and a higher load for the cooling system; the increased need for repairs and spare parts has a negative impact on the environmental record of the system.

Conclusion: To try to operate a internal combustion engine with extra oxyhydrogen which is created on-board through electrolysis leads to higher fuel consumption. The more oxyhydrogen is created, the more costly it is for the driver. Running a car just with oxyhydrogen created by above device leads to 4-5 times more fuel consumption:

  • Kinetic energy created by gasoline combustion has efficiency < 40 %
  • the rotating alternator has an efficiency of less than 62%
  • creating hydrogen through electrolysis has an efficiency of about 60% (special, optimized electrolysis cell)
  • Burning hydrogen with oxygen gives an efficiency < 40 %

Only about 0,4 x 0,62 x 0,6 x 0,4 = 6% (maybe 10% at max.) of the energy of the gasoline is used. Combustion of just gasoline gives an efficiency of 40% at max. Operation a car just with oxyhydrogen from the on-board electrolysis consumes at least 4 to 5 times as much. Massive usage of this principle (even mixed) would have catastrophic impact from an ecological point of view due to higher CO2-emissions and have higher costs.

A pure hydrogen operation is illusory with the offered kits since a normal alternator is not even rudimentary constructed to provide enough output for a small car: The maximal output of an alternator (for large executive cars) is about 3,000 W which corresponds roughly to the drive train of a small scooter.

The external production of hydrogen gas in industrial electrolysis facilities to supply all cars would please only the nuclear energy and brown coal industry since the additionally necessary huge amounts of electrical energy cannot be provided by renewable energy sources. Problems with storing hydrogen and high losses add to this. Hydrogen can - unlike gasoline - diffuse through normal tank walls: After some time, the tank is empty...

Clean World Energies and their H-Reaktor

A company Clean World Energies GmbH from Jülich(Germany) advertises their so called "H-Reactors" and "Super - Cubes" in Germany. They are said to decrease the fuel consumption and pollution of car engines through addition of hydrogen. The electrical energy to power their "Electrolyseur" is taken from the on-board car battery.

Ronn Motor Company

The company Ronn Motor Company from Texas[3] offers the Scorpion, a sports car with an alleged consumption of 6 l/100 km (40 miles per gallon for 150,000 US-Dollar.[4] The manufacturers claim that this is possible since the energy of the alternator is used to produce hydrogen which is then added to the air fuel mixture and causes the alleged high mileage. The technique is called H2GO.

The hydrogen, which is created with low efficiency through electrolysis from a small water tank of 11 liters, has to be produced during driving, which increases the consumption.
The Ronn Motor company announced that it will offer a H2GO Hydrogen-On-Demand (HOD) system for other vehicles which will allow to retool existing vehicles for 999 USD to decrease consumption and emissions. Ronn claims that the consumptions is reduced by 20% to 25% and CO2-emission is reduced by 90%.

Also, a toy car is marketed under the brand name H2GO, which is powered by a small fuel cell.



In June 2008 Japanese company Genepax Water Energy System presented an electric water-fuel car (Reva) claiming that it could be operated by water and air alone and would need only one liter water from any water source for an one hour drive with 80 km/h . The exact nature of the energy source was not revealed by Genepax and the manufacturer refers for its Water Energy System (WES) just to an unspecified "energy generator", which is claimed to be able to split hydrogen from water using some kind of metal hydride and a "chemical reaction". Hydrogen gas is then used as fuel.

The product of the reaction is again water. This principle would make it a perpetual motion device. With alkali metals(sodium) hydrogen may be won from water: Alas, this would not only set the hydrogen free; the oxygen would be bound to the metal and could not be used. During operation, the metal hydrid would be used up and serves as the actual energy source. It has to be created by using energy. So, the car is not powered by some wonderous energy from water, it is powered by a primary battery.[5] Professional journals like Popular Mechanics called the alleged wondercar "Rubbish"[6] and professional circles ignored it. The website was abandoned in february 2009. Matthes Haug still advertises Genepax as a car which drives with water.

Water-powered car of Daniel Dingel

Auto-Bild-Article about Dingel

A tinkerer and con man named Daniel Dingel from Manila [2] received worldwide attention when he brought up a "water-powered" car. Dingel claimed that his Toyota Corolla was powered by the energy of imploding compressed ether-energy. As a result even reporters of the journal Auto-Bild (a German car journal) travelled to the Philippines to report on the scam.

In December 2008 it became known that the by now 82 years old Daniel Dingel was sentenced to a maximum of 20 years imprisonment by the Parañaque City Regional Trial Court for swindle (estafa). He also had to pay actual damages of 380.000 Dollar.[7] Dingel, who claimed that he was not interested in money, had taken 410.000 Dollar from a Dr. John Ding Young from a Taiwanese Formosa Plastics Group in 2000 to do research about his fraudulent method. But Dingel was not able to present a "hydrogen generator" and three working cars. After receiving the money Dingel did not respond to emails but presented allegedly higher offers from competing companies. He claimed that he did not want to work with Formosa Plastics Group anymore since he feared for his life. He referred to an inventor Stan Meyer who was allegedly poisoned by the oil industry in 1998. When the charges against him became known he took 375.603 Dollar out of his account, where the deposits were put. The Philippine Department of Science and Technology calls his invention a hoax.[8]

