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The '''Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy according to Tullio Simoncini''' (internally known also as ''bica'') is a [[Pseudomedicine|pseudomedical]] cancer therapy, that can be considered as on of the most ineffective and absurd methods curing cancer patients. This method is worthless for the patient and at the same time extremely costly.
The '''Sodium Bicarbonate Cancer Therapy according to Tullio Simoncini''' (also known as ''bica'', ''bicarb'' or ''bicarb soda'') is a [[Pseudomedicine|pseudomedical]] cancer therapy which must be considered one of the most ineffective and absurd methods claiming to cure cancer patients. This method is not only futile for the patient, but also very expensive.
The inventor, the former italian physician '''Tullio Simoncini''', has been convicted after several death cases occured after application of his "Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy", and he lost his medical licence. His opinon, that fungi would trigger cancer (cancer as a mycosis) is not compatible with knowledge of modern medicine. Scientific evidence for this hypothesis is lacking, scientific studies showing any positive effect of this treatment are lacking also. His opinion may be compared to the opinions of Bavarian physician [[Alfons Weber]], who was convinced, that cancer would originate out of protozoe, and who treated his cancer patients therefore unnecessarily wirh  anti-malaria drugs. He was also a believer of the [[Historic Pleomorphism]] concept of 19./20. century.
The treatment was invented by former Italian physician '''Tullio Simoncini'''. In his home country, Tullio Simoncini was banned from medical profession for life and convicted for fraud in three instances, for selling unproven medical treatments. In 2003, after the death of a patient whom he had treated with sodium bicarbonate, he was convicted for wrongful death. <ref></ref>
Tullio Simoncini claims that cancer is nothing more than a fungus – the fungus candida albicans to be precise – and that it can be cured with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) only. To explain the fungus, Simoncini argues this was due to “excess acidity” of the body, which allowed the fungus free reign.  
The sodium bicarbonate therapy according to Simoncini found uncritic resonance in [[NEXUS Magazine]]<ref>NEXUS Magazin 13, October-November 2007</ref> and is advertized in Germany by the association [[Menschen gegen Krebs]] of former male nurse [[Lothar Hirneise]]<ref>Zitat: ''Dieses Seminar ist offen für alle Interessenten, jedoch besonders geeignet für Ärzte und Heilpraktiker. Dr.&nbsp;Simoncini wird dabei alle Krebsarten im Detail besprechen. Das Seminar ist strukturiert aufgebaut, so dass jeder Teilnehmer in die Praxis seiner Therapie eingeweiht wird und erfährt, wie man diese sofort umsetzen kann.''&nbsp;[]</ref> and was instructed during a payable workshop by this association. The Simoncini-doctrine is advertized in different languages via the private website of Simoncini hosted in the Netherlands.
Simoncini's theories are not compatible with knowledge of modern medicine. There is no scientific evidence to underpin his hypothesis, and scientific studies showing any positive effect of the treatment are also non-existent. His opinion may be compared to the opinions of Bavarian physician [[Alfons Weber]], who was convinced that cancer originates from protozoe, and consequently treated his cancer patients with anti-malaria drugs - to no effect. He also believed in the concept of [[Historic Pleomorphism]] of 19th/20th century.
The sodium bicarbonate therapy according to Simoncini was met with uncritical resonance in [[NEXUS Magazine]]<ref>NEXUS Magazin&nbsp;13, October-November 2007</ref>. It was advertised in Germany by the association [[Menschen gegen Krebs]] of former nurse [[Lothar Hirneise]]<ref>Zitat: ''Dieses Seminar ist offen für alle Interessenten, jedoch besonders geeignet für Ärzte und Heilpraktiker. Dr.&nbsp;Simoncini wird dabei alle Krebsarten im Detail besprechen. Das Seminar ist strukturiert aufgebaut, so dass jeder Teilnehmer in die Praxis seiner Therapie eingeweiht wird und erfährt, wie man diese sofort umsetzen kann.''&nbsp;[]</ref> and was taught during a chargeable workshop by this association. The Simoncini Doctrine is advertised in several languages via the private website of Simoncini hosted in the Netherlands.
Simoncini ist der irrigen Meinung, dass sämtliche Krebsfälle durch den Pilz Candida albicans bedingt seien und dass daher Krebs als eine Infektionskrankheit, eine Mykose, anzusehen wäre. Anstatt jedoch auf seit langem bewährte Antimykotika (Antipilzmittel) zurückzugreifen, um damit die ''Krebsinfektion'' anzugehen, empfielt er Natriumbikarbonat. Na-Bikarbonat ist in vielen Haushalten als Backpulver vorhanden und ist zudem relativ preiswert. Als Lebensmittel bzw. als nicht zugelassenes Krebsheilmittel kann es jedoch nicht zur Krebsbehandlung eingesetzt werden, eine derartige Indikation fehlt völlig. Klinisch kann das preiswerte Na-Bikarbonat in Fällen einer schweren Azidose als Infusion eingesetzt werden. Simoncini glaubt jedoch, damit 80% aller Krebspatienten zu einer "Heilung" verhelfen zu können. Die Kunden für sein Verfahren gewann Simoncini im Internet. Reportern der Sendung ''striscia la notizia'' des Senders RAI gelang es mit versteckter Kamera nachzuweisen, wie er Krebspatienten zu seiner Bikarbonat-Therapie aufforderte und versuchte, sein Mittel ohne Mehrwertsteuer zu verkaufen. Eine Bikarbonat-Therapie kostete dabei 7.750&nbsp;Euro, der zugehörige Aufenthalt in seiner Privatklinik weitere 3.700&nbsp;Euro. Seine Methode wurde eine zeitlang auch in den Niederlanden populär, wohin Simoncini nach seiner Verurteilung flüchtete, spielt jedoch in deutschsprachigen Ländern bislang keine besondere Rolle.
Simoncini is erroneously convinced that cancer was caused by the fungus candida albicans. Therefore, he views cancer as an infectious disease (mycosis). But instead of using effective anti-mycotic drugs, Simoncini recommends and uses sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate can be found in many households as baking powder and is a cheap substance. Sodium bicarbonate is not a registered cancer drug, and is only used in intensive care to combat acidosis. Simoncini is convinced he can "heal" about&nbsp;80% of all cancer cases with sodium bicarbonate.
Simoncini finds his customers and patients through the internet. Journalists of Italian RAI television (transmission ''striscia la notizia'') were able to film Simoncini with a hidden camera, showing how he treated cancer patients with sodium bicarbonate without adding the Italian VAT tax. A sodium bicarbonate therapy amounted to 7.750&nbsp;Euro, and a room in his private clinic costs 3.700&nbsp;Euro.  
His method was also popular in the Netherlands, where he fled after his conviction in Italy.
==Inventor Tullio Simoncini==
==Inventor Tullio Simoncini==
[[image:simoncini4.jpg|Tullio Simoncini|thumb]]
'''Tullio Simoncini''' is a roman former ohysician Arzt and business-man and he is the president of private association ''Associazione italiana Fungo è Tumore (A.I.F.è.T.)'', (meaning ''italian association fungus and cancer". No publication of Simoncini can be found in scientific databases until today (2010).
'''Tullio Simoncini''' is a Roman physician banned from this profession, and businessman and president of a private association ''Associazione italiana Fungo è Tumore (A.I.F.è.T.)'', (i.e. ''Italian Association Fungus and Cancer''). No publication of Simoncini's can be found in any scientific databases until today (2010).
After several deaths occurred following a sodium bicarbonate therapy, Simoncini was sued by families of the victims. He lost his medical approbation and was convicted of fraud in three cases and of wrongful death in one case in 2003. His brother, Angelo Simoncini (also a physician), was convicted of fraud, too. His name has also been cancelled from the list of Italian accredited physicians.<br><br>
==First known victims==
The first victim to be known was Massimo Civetta, a 34 year old man diagnosed with terminal intestinal cancer. After an infusion with sodium bicarbonate, his bowels perforated and he died. Simoncini was convicted to 3 years in jail for manslaughter. He was not convicted for causing the deaths of Maria Grazia Canegrate and Grace Cicciari, in these cases he was just convicted for fraud.<ref>[ Medico condannato: omicidio colposo], Corriere della sera</ref>
==Unknown victims==
Another victim, a U.S. citizen, was diagnosed with a likely glioblastoma near his speech center and his family paid approximately 28,000 Euros to Simoncini. In the course of treatment the patient developed a massive brain hemorrhage and suffered a heart attack. Subsequently he was declared brain dead, and life support was removed.<ref>[ Tullio Simoncini: sCAM murderer?]</ref><ref>[ Continued: Simoncini sCAM Murderer?]</ref>
==Sylvia Trachsler==
[[image:SylviaTrachsler.jpg|Sylvia Trachsler (picture:|thumb]]
Female breast cancer patient Sylvia Trachsler<ref></ref> died 8 October 2007 in the Netherlands at the age of 58, after having received daily sodium bicarbonate infusions in an alternative clinic, the ''Kliniek voor Preventieve Geneeskunde Berg en Bosch (KPG)'' in Bilthoven.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> Her friend Peter (Peter&nbsp;M.) started a search for other patients who had been treated according to the Simoncini protocol.<ref>OPROEP Ik wil graag in kontakt komen met patienten die negatieve ervaringen hebben ondervonden bij de Italiaanse (arts) Simoncini. 'VOELT U ZICH DOOR SIMONCINI MISLEID EN/OF BEDROGEN?' Uw ervaring, uw eventuele 'mis'behandeling kan van onschatbare waarde zijn voor alle andere kankerpatienten. Met name patienten die in Bilthoven tussen 4&nbsp;oktober en 9&nbsp;oktober 2007 behandeld zijn door Simoncini en natriumbicarbonaat-injecties hebben gekregen! MAG IK U 'IN NAAM VAN SYLVIA' VRAGEN DIT BIJ JUSTITIE TE MELDEN! Het is van groot belang dat als een tweede getuige zich meldt het Openbaar Ministerie nog beter in staat zal zijn Simoncini te vervolgen! Peter []</ref> Sylvia died of heart failure, but the exact cause of her unnatural death could not be established. After her death, the Dutch health authorities intervened and banned the treatment.<ref>,_zegt_Inspectie</ref>
==Marjolein Bouwman==
[[image:Marjolein Bouwman.jpg|Marjolein Bouwman 02-01-1983&nbsp;–&nbsp;02-11-2008|thumb]]
Bouwman, a Dutch citizen, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and advised to take conventional therapy. She decided to go with Simoncini's therapy instead. After several injections of sodium bicarbonate, Simoncini declared her completely cured. Bouwman became a passionate advertiser of his methods. A few months later, Marjolein learned Simoncini had deceived her and that she had not been cured at all. At that time, her tumour had already metastasized extensively. She died November 2, 2008. Marjolein was only 25 years old and the mother of a young son.<ref>[ Marjolein Dies of Ovarian Cancer After Being Treated with Sodium Bicarbonate by Tullio Simoncini]</ref>
A young Italian woman named Aysha was diagnosed with cancer in her right breast in 2006 (she had been diagnosed with cancer in her left breast in 2004 and received conventional treatment then)  and decided for a treatment with Simoncini. She became a member of an alternative medicine forum dedicated to Simoncini's methods and was treated nicely at first. However, when her health declined and she developed sores and open wounds,  said "I see no improvement at all, the whole area is red and it reaches almost to the left side.", and started to doubt the treatment, behaviour towards Aysha changed.
Employees of Simoncini, who were among the forum members, insinuated that Aysha did not follow Simonicini's treatment correctly and was inventing allegations to put the blame on Simoncini. As they contended, if someone did not recover, it had to be their own fault. When, after consulting her oncologist, she started to ask inconvenient questions, she was banned and most of her postings deleted.
Nachdem es zu Todesfällen nach einer Bikarbonat-Therapie bei Krebs kam, wurde Simoncini von Angehörigen der Verstorbenen verklagt. Er verlor seine Approbation und wurde 2003 wegen Betruges in drei Fällen verurteilt und wegen Totschlags in einem Fall. Auch sein Bruder Angelo Simoncini wurde in der Sache wegen Betrug verurteilt. Sein Name ist in der italienischen Datenbank der zugelassenen Ärzte nicht mehr aufgeführt.<ref>]</ref>
Aysha died in October 2008.<ref>[ Young Breast Cancer Patient Aysha and Tullio Simoncini's Baking Soda Therapy]</ref><ref>[ Che male vuoi che faccia… (II parte)], MedBunker, Italian</ref>
Auch in den Niederlanden kam es im Oktober 2007 zu einem Todesfall bei der 58-jährigen Brustkrebspatientin Sylvia Millecam, die dort mit Bikarbonat-Infusionen an einer alternativmedizinischen Klinik namens ''Kliniek voor Preventieve Geneeskunde Berg en Bosch (KPG)'' in Bilthoven behandelt worden war.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> Die niederländische Gesundheitsbehörde schritt ein und untersagte diese Therapie.
==Robert Fyvie==
[[image:Robert fyvi.jpg|Robert Fyvie (gest. 6.&nbsp;August&nbsp;2010)|thumb]]
Robert Fyvie, from Musselburgh (Scotland), was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2006 which was removed by an operation. The tumour spread to his liver and was rated inoperable. Fyvie rejected chemotherapy, declaring it would weaken his immune system, and spent 12 weeks in Thailand taking herbal medicines instead. In the end, doctors gave him between six and, at the most, eight months to live.
In a last-ditch effort, Mr Fyvie's family and friends raised € 10,000 for treatment by Simoncini and sent him to Rome. After 5 months, Roberty Fyvie, aged 54, died August 6, 2010. The family was devastated because the treatment didn't prolong his life at all.<ref>[ We'll miss you, dad], Sam Berkeley, East Lothian Courier</ref><ref>[ Nuova testimonianza sulle cure di Simoncini]</ref>
==Brian Haw==
[[image:800px-Brian_Haw.jpg|Brian William Haw(gest. 18.&nbsp;Juni&nbsp;2011)|thumb]]
English pacifist Brian William Haw died of lung cancer on June 18, 2011. He spent the last months of his life at an unknown location in Berlin where he was treated with the method of Simoncini as well as with [[Vitamin-C-infusions]]. According to information from English press, [[Conspiracy theory|conspiracy theorist]] and author [[David Icke]] influenced him to be medicated with a "revolutionary treatment". Icke appealed for funds for the treatment on his site, since patients have to bear the costs of the treatment due to its ineffectiveness.<ref></ref>
{{OtherLang|ge=Bikarbonat-Therapie nach Simoncini|it=Tullio Simoncini|en= Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy according to Simoncini}}
*Robey IF, Martin NK. ''Bicarbonate and dichloroacetate: Evaluating pH altering therapies in a mouse model for metastatic breast cancer.'', BMC Cancer. 2011 10. Juni. 10;11(1):S. 235.
*Ian F. Robey, Brenda K. Baggett, Nathaniel D. Kirkpatrick, Denise J. Roe, Julie Dosescu, Bonnie F. Sloane, Arig Ibrahim Hashim, David L. Morse, Natarajan Raghunand, Robert A. Gatenby, Robert J. Gillies, ''Bicarbonate Increases Tumor pH and Inhibits Spontaneous Metastases'', Cancer Res 2009; 69: (6). 15.3.2009 []
*[ Bericht eines französischen Urologen über einen Patienten, der sich nach Simoncini behandelte]
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